Todays brief session started at around 1325 UTC --- bit of a sleep in but
had to be out the door off to the University at 1420 -- so some hustle

Seemed pretty average for the 1st 5 or 10 minutes with a mix of 1st and 2nd
tier Japan with hints of DU banging at the door.

1325U - 594 - The Japanese powerhouse holding forth with hints of audio on
531, 558, 567, 576, 585, 603 and 612

1330U - 1053 - The S. Korea jamming cawing away with hints of JJ over and
under at times.

1337U - 954 - JOKR - Japan rising to easy listening levels - -

1340U - 576 - UNid - Piano solo (which I would quickly hear on other
channels...  603 KHz and 909 kHz! )

1342U -- band wide anomaly -- See detail below.

1347U - 603 - UNid - Piano solo much like 576 but not an obvious parallel -
unlike the usually "poppy" Korean

1348U - 702 - 2BL (t) - Assume the big EE OM talking away in a deep voice.
Lots of signal all morning but gallons of domestic splash from 690

1349U - 891 - JOHK Miyagi - assuming the JJ OM - in this battle royal
channel. Even in Kona, Hawaii, this is one of the frequencies that has the
loudest signals and battle royals at sunrise.

1350U - 909 - JOCB Aichi (t) - JJ OM with more tinkling Piano solo music -
seeing a pattern developing

1352U - 954 - JOKR - Tokyo - rising to even better levels - was odd: the
usual powerhouses on 747, 774, 828 were "ok" absolutely nothing special

1354U - 612 - 4QR - Brisbane - Armchair copy as I get instructions from YL
to "shut 'er down"...

NOTE: At 1342 I noticed something really odd - the band died for what
appeared to be 15 to 25s. Like everything took a total swan dive
and this appeared to be reflected on the Hall-Patch fish barrel... unless I
imagined this - Nick can confirm later - was as if the entire band..
at least the neighborhood I was in took a "bump" in propagation that was
very, very brief. Like everything faded at once...
and then within 30s returned to some normal levels. Cannot say I have even
seen anything like this.

RECEIVERS: Drake R8 and AOR-7030+
Antennas: (W)/NW Flag (286 degrees) [more West than N/W]   Wellbrook ALA100
oriented N/S


*Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of
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