1342UTC - 909, 918, 936, 945, 954, 963 - all in some level of audio or
another - scrambling around at this point. https://youtu.be/29WJvenJDbo
Peak DXing nuttiness - gives me a good sense of what Gary's Rockworks scene
must be like... except I am indoors, safe and warm!

1345UTC - 1503 - NHK Syncro's - assuming the JJ OM talking - Most likely
JOUK Akita - https://youtu.be/YGELDXGGCms

1346UTC - 1566 / 1575 2 great signals totally holding the fort on the upper
band. https://youtu.be/hgZRHvQJCsU

1352UTC - 603 - Korea (t) Assume the poppy dance music - band starting to
slip every so slightly about now.

1354UTC - 954 - Japan - JOKR Tokyo - JJ OM/YL in the clear

1355UTC - 1143 - Taiwan - Fisheries station - https://youtu.be/k4ED8YhqZU0

1357UTC - 1323 - CRI - China - // 963 khz w/ Chinese orchestral music -

1359UTC - 963 - CRI - China - // 1323khz w/ Chinese orchestral music -
great level!  Full ID on hour by OM/YL after pips -

1402UTC - 612 - Australia - 4QR - Brisbane - Armchair news and opinion
pieces with OM/YL - at this point there were
a dozen or so stations still in audio - but the downward trend had begun -
as I turned off and made my way back to bed
for my Saturday sleep in.

I have been medium wave DXing since, I guess, since the late 60's with
various small transistor radios. It was only with the loan of a
4-band SW portable in the Spring of 1971 that a spark was kindled that
would never die. 2 and 1/2 years later on November the 3rd, 1973
my father bought me a Radio Shack DX150B - a radio that would be a game
changer for chasing DX on medium wave and shortwave.

A complimentary copy of the IRCA Bulletin in the Spring of 1975 uncovered
an underground of mysterious men and women that shared this
passion for long distance radio reception. One of those people was Nick
Hall Patch, whom I would call on the phone - and begin what has been a
very successful 40 year collaboration on taking a vibrant hobby to its very
limits... and then beyond. DX-expiditions and GTG's would soon introduce me
to the likes of Bruce Portzer, Gary Debock, Guy Atkins and the late great
John Bryant.

I realize today, this morning, that this hobby is every bit as exciting as
the first days of chasing distant radio stations as a 12 year old.

Have fun everyone - 73 and good DX!


*Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of Coffeecrew.com
<http://www.Coffeecrew.com> - Coffee.bc.ca <http://Coffee.bc.ca> and
DXer.ca <http://www.DXer.ca> -| Amateur Radio VA7WWV |
Twitter.Com/CoffeeCrew | Victoria B.C. Canada*
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