--- Begin Message ---

Guy, is there any way that the one or two best "knock your socks off" 
top-of-hour Perseus files from the Rockworks DXpedition could be uploaded 
somewhere so DXers can "sit in" on the activities after the fact?

Same question applies to files from Walter's recent Masset run.

Back when you hosted the "Five Below" website, Guy, the sharing of capture 
files from around the globe was a regular activity.  I got a kick listening to 
the band from places as far flung as Hawaii, Newfoundland, Scandinavia, and the 
Middle East.  I saved a few on portable hard drives to play if DX here ever 
gets too boring.  I don't see as much of this file access these days.

Even though these 1 to 2 Gig files can take an hour or more to download, it can 
sometimes be worth it.

There have been occasions when DXers in a part of the world closer to the weak 
noisy station on a capture can easily figure out audio that confounds the DXer 
at the locale where the recording was made.  It might be the language knowledge 
or that they've heard a jingle or presenter's voice or local reference so many 
times that the ID is a piece of cake for them even if a mystery for us.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

What I know for sure is, if you can't be at Masset,
Haida Gwaii,

is the place to be!

Best DX,



--- End Message ---
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