This morning's session had a real split personality. Much as Colin reported, things were lively from Asia early today. I started a bit earlier than normal, around 1220, and several Japanese already had good signals. It looked like being a great Asian morning, but turned out things went downhill quickly after 1300. By 1330 the reception pattern had completely changed, with virtually no sign of even decent carriers from Asia, but quite a few from DU, and even some audio from DU. I certainly can't claim it wasn't an interesting morning!

594    JAPAN, Tokyo    JOAK
Strong carrier earliet, but no audio until noted with Japanese talk at 1257. Soon thereafter it joined the Asian swoon.

612     AUSTRALIA, Brisbane     4QR
   Talk by Aussie-accented man at 1344

747     JAPAN, Sapporo  JOIB
   Noted //774 at 1225  
774    JAPAN, Akita     JOUB            
    Doing well already at 1222, with man in Japanese.

828     JAPAN, Osaka    JOBB
    Good signal, //774 at 1222

891     AUSTRALIA, Adelaide     5AN
    Poor with ABC news fanfare at 1330, up to fair a few minutes later.

1548    AUSTRALIA, Emerald      4QD
    Lots of 1550 splatter, but could make out English talk at 1335.
Several 'almost there' carriers:
        693, 972 during the Asian opening
        792, 855 during the Australian portion


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR & Wellbrook Phased Array

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