I think a lot of us would contribute Perseus snips if they didn't have to always be current.

Some form of pre-upload "vetting" might be a good thing, to minimize congestion. It could take the following general form:

"I have TOH snips of MW taken at ____ PM (AM) on a 140-ft Broadside D-Kaz oriented 325 degrees from ____ (QTH). Payload size___. Holler if you want them"

The offered snips are uploaded only if someone asked for them. 'Admin' keeps the list of offers and from time to time posts a reminder here that such snips are available by request.

I'd be more than happy to be that 'Admin'...but first we need a storage site.


Mark Durenberger

A few days back I commented about possible availability of RF capture files from recent DXpeditions, as in the days when Guy Atkins ran the "Five Below" website. I haven't seen any comments about this yet. Recent DXpeditions would include Masset, Rockworks, and Grayland on the West Coast as well as any East Coast activity such as the Miscou Island, NB outing (about which I have read remarkably little so far).

Usually we're talking about Perseus files but, presumably with the availability of HDSDR etc. generic software, other file formats such as Elad, Excalibur, and Afedri could also be shared for everyone's enjoyment.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

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