On 2015-11-26, at 9:42 PM, d1028g...@comcast.net wrote:

> For those interested, Hiroyuki Okamura of Yokosuka, Japan has posted a link 
> for his Ultralight Radio DXing blog, containing videos of his transoceanic 
> receptions of stations like 1233-Cyprus, 1449-IRIB (Iran) and 680-KNBR on a 
> "barefoot" 7.5" loopstick C.Crane Skywave model. Like the other Japanese 
> Ultralight radio enthusiasts, Hiroyuki is a Perseus-SDR DXer who finds 
> Ultralight radios an interesting new challenge. 
> http://ultralight-dxing-jp.blogspot.jp/ 
> There is also a Japanese group DXpedition in the works to the Rockwork 4 
> ocean cliff site near Manzanita, Oregon next July-- further details to 
> follow. 
> 73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 

Gary…That sounds pretty cool that a group of the Japanese DXers are coming over 
to hang out on your cliff!!! 

I'm just taking a wild guess……that you are planning to be there at the same 
time in July??!! HAHHAHAHA……..

You'll be able to show them the ropes and share all your trade secrets!

Hopefully they will have some Killer Conditions while they are there!!


Robert S. Ross
London, Ontario CANADA
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