--- Begin Message ---
These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes utility, ham, which may be found in several archives without 
much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 

All times and dates strictly UT. Rx: mostly DX-398 with internal antenna only 
or PL-880; NRD-545 with ALA-330S inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S; Nissan 
stock caradio as specified; ICR-75  E-W longwire; FRG-7 with NW-SE shortwire

** MEXICO. 650, Feb 11 at 1259 UT, full ID for XHTNT, Radio 65, 106.5, and 
XETNT; 650, 1300 short version of NA, only about a minute, got that out of the 
way! (Some Mexican stations have sued to get the requirement lifted). Further 
IDs for Radio Viva and Noticiero AltaVoz.com, the programming now about ag 
affairs, from Los Mochis, Sinaloa. Could also make out a weak // from XEGS 
Guasave on 610 under KCSP. XETNT is a sunrise regular here, heard many other 
times without bothering to relog (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 670, Feb 11 at 1258, mañanitas, i.e. that catchy song along with 
local birthday greetings; 1300 full ID for Torreón, Radio Ranchito, Grupo Radio 
México, i.e. XETOR, 1000/250 watts. Had to null Caddo Country from Arkansas, 
but no problem from WSCR Chicago, roughly opposite from Coahuila (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. 670, Feb 9 at 0702:46 UT, surprised to hear a 2+1 timesignal and ID 
from R. Rebelde. Very late; maybe it`s more like a sound effect (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. 890, Feb 7 at 0129, R. Progreso with Cuban historical propaganda 
piece, stronger than easily nulled WLS, but no // 900 audible in QRM. Outro as 
``Cuba – Tierra de mis Amores``. It`s about time for their SW service, so I try 
4765 for a //: open carrier at S9+40, not bad. Not until 0131:20 does 
modulation cut on there, as the previous MW program is ending, into an ID with 
music, and running about 2 seconds behind the 200-kW 890 outlet (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. 1040, Feb 7 at 0137, just missed a Cuban announcement, into Cuban 
music, hardly anything from WHO requiring nulling. This signal from the SE has 
some hum on it, especially evident in pauses or low passages. WRTH 2016 shows 
only one Cuban on 1040: CMCL, 10 kW, R. Mayabeque, Güines, Mayabeque. That`s 
one of the newer provinces created in 2010 just east of Habana, between it and 
Matanzas, spanning coast to coast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 1620, Feb 8 at 0502, dominant signal is Cuban NA at midnite, i.e. R. 
Rebelde, soon found // and well-synchronized with 5025, 670, 1180, ID (Glenn 

** BERMUDA. 2582-USB, Feb 7 at 0036, listening for Bermuda Radio, ZBR, tnx to 
tips from DXLD yg members Stephen C Wood in MA who is hearing it nearly every 
evening at 0040, and Rich Ray near Chicago who reported it starting at 0036. At 
first I hear nothing, then 0037 barely audible talk, sounds like marine weather 
intonation, fades up a bit, but only S7, equivalent to noise level. 0039 a 
little better so I hear fragments such as ``through Sunday afternoon; gale 
warning, small craft warning, Monday evening and night``; British accent past 
0042 but seems to have finished at 0043. EiBi shows ZBR as Bermuda Harbo[u]r, 
nominal 10-minute broadcasts at 0035, 0435, 0835, 1235, 1635. But it`s not the 
only marine station on 2582. Unlisted by him but in the Canadian Coast Guard 
page, 2582 is also used for shore-ship comms in Atlantic Canada and the North 
in summer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- End Message ---
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