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No sign of radio TAB on 891??? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 11, 2016, at 1:37 PM, R. Colin Newell <coffeecan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This mornings hour long "average" session gave me the luxury of spending a
> bit more
> time on each channel - finessing out a little more; drawing out the energy
> and developing the channels potential much like
> a black & white photo in the finishing tray... anyway.
> Part Two -
> 747 JOIB Hokkaido Japan - it owns this channel and although often harassed
> by 750 Portland, this is likely the #3 most
> heard Japanese medium wave signal next to 774 and 828Khz - always in JJ
> often with English or Chinese lessons. Reliable as gravity
> and audible all morning.
> 756 AUS or NZ - well heard at 13:17 UTC with stodgy low modulated English
> 765 Japan (t) - could have been JJ but also could have been something else..
> Quite good at 1314 UTC and
> always a good carrier w/ near audio. A channel to watch as the season
> progresses.
> *774 JOUB Akita* - (*Top Performer*) at 500kw from Akita, this monster is
> never inaudible on the flimsiest of mornings - often S9 armchair
> pushing what ever is on 770 casually aside - the top Japanese station and
> easiest to hear inland. All morning.
> 793 AUS 4RN (t) - most of the session this signal is struggling to get its
> head above the water -- and when 612 and 1116
> start to shine, so does it. One of the more common Aussies - and pr. fr.
> audio most of the session.
> 819 DPRK - little audio but worrying 820 constantly with a solid growl.
> Gets louder as the season progresses.
> 828 JOBB Osaka NHK - at 300kw this is also one of the "always there" on an
> average morning - no exception today. One of the 1st TP's I heard
> on the DX150B in 1975 and still a winner on this channel. This is the 2nd
> most likely Japanese station to be heard well inland.
> 846 One of the "jumble channels" just burbles, gurgles and growls this AM -
> This is something of an NHK and Chinese graveyard channels
> with dozens of possibilities... but just growls today.
> 855 DPRK - usually home to a growling and often distorted government
> station - but today just growls and burbles.
> 864 NHK/KBS On good mornings this is a great place to park for lower
> powered NHK stations or KBS - this morning was
> more on he NHK side of the house with a JJ YL chatting at 13:26 UTC --
> pretty much the peak moment for LSR enhancement.
> 873 NHK JOGB Kumamoto - most notable by its absence - keep in mind I DX
> wholly in real time - No SDR in use and no playback
> and apart from having the NHP Radar running at all times, this is live and
> seat of your pants. Good carriers when passing by no audio to
> speak of.
> 891 Thailand (t) Likely the SEA Lang at 1309 - in Hawaii this is, by and
> far beyond, one of the loudest signals on the dial - not so much
> here slightly inland.
> END OF Part Two.
> I am offering a bit more fleshing out of the details as much to impart some
> of the excitement and to encourage others to give
> Trans Pacific DXing a bit of a whirl. TP DX as any Western resident will
> attest, is more onerous than TA DXing, in my honest opinion
> more challenging. The distances are greater and the DX window is
> significantly more narrow than the TA window. And you need to get out of
> bed unnaturally early!
> Just saying.
> Receivers - DRAKE R8 + AOR 7030+
> Antennas W/NW Flag with DXer.CA produced VACTROL + WELLBROOK ALA100 (N/S)
> -- 
> Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
> <http://www.Coffeecrew.com> and DXer.ca <http://www.DXer.ca> -
> VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada
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--- End Message ---
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