Another new one for me. Of course, I haven't been at this very long out
here, so most things are still new. :-). And Nick, yes, it certainly is a
lot better than Lion's Bay!




1. IRAN - WS IRAN 702 kHz (Kiashahr) 2358-0003 UTC: AA mx to TOH, directly
into NA and then Quran. No mention of 'Radio Iran', so WS presumed with
bigger transmitting power. Good-Very Good.  Rcdg from 2358.


Thanks so much Mauno for identifying the R Damascus ID for me. I went back
and listened to the recording about a dozen times at the 44 second mark and
I'm still thinking "Really? There's an "Idha'atul-Dimashk" in there? Wow, I
just can't hear it!". My ears are just not tuned yet to AA pronunciation,
but I have confidence it will come, I just need to keep trying. In the
meantime, thanks for your patience and help!


Kind regards,




PS Syria was actually a better catch for me because it's a new country!

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