--- Begin Message ---
The approximately 2 GB file took about a half hour to download here using 

Certainly some interesting stuff: bunch of Hawaiians, some fair DU's but the 
obvious highlight were MONSTER signals out of Japan, China, and Korea.

Channels such as 747, 774, 972, and 1566 were among the loudest.

The only US mainlander I noted was 740 KCBS San Francisco.

South Americans seemingly absent (even though Richard Wood used to hear them in 
Hilo, HI).  Most likely in daylight at the time of recording.

Very interesting to check the "dial" from such a unique vantage point.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

"Download through browser" works with Chrome.


On 04/10/2016 14:39, Nick Hall-Patch wrote:
> (John Bryant would be proud!)
> (I don't know the Mega cloud service, but Firefox won't download a
> 2+GB file without installing something from Mega, so caution may be
> advised....)
> from MW Circle list:
>> .....
>> Yesterday have arrived from Easter Island. here is the 1st example of
>> recordings made in the island with Perseus.
>> This record was made using a 200 meter Beverage pointing to West, at
>> 13:00
>> UTC exact time. perseus calibrated. In the recording of entire MW
>> band can heard china, japan, hawai, australia and much more.
>> I was upload to my MEGA account.
>> Here the link to download:
>> <https://mega.nz/#!vwpWFRIL!912GWrY0NuRDqtEmtYJFVBqePVkWiJBr60XGX0xNFMk>
>> image
>> <https://mega.nz/#!vwpWFRIL!912GWrY0NuRDqtEmtYJFVBqePVkWiJBr60XGX0xNFMk>
>> <https://mega.nz/#!vwpWFRIL!912GWrY0NuRDqtEmtYJFVBqePVkWiJBr60XGX0xNFMk>MEGA
>> MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and po werful
>> always-on privacy. Claim your free 50GB now!
>> <https://mega.nz/#!vwpWFRIL!912GWrY0NuRDqtEmtYJFVBqePVkWiJBr60XGX0xNFMk>View
>> on mega.nz
>> Preview by Yahoo
>> Jose Kucher
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>> __,_._,___
> Nick Hall-Patch
> Victoria, BC
> Canada

--- End Message ---
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