My three favorite TP loggings form Alaska so far would have to be AFN The
Eagle 810, 50kw from Yokota Air Base Japan, AFN The Eagle 1575 5kw  from
Misawa Air Base Japan and V7AB 1098 13kw from The Marshall Islands

In the first instance of logging AFN The Eagle 1575 on November 14th, it
happened at 1714UTC with Katy Perry's "Birthday" playing. Here is a 30
second recording:

After the Katy Perry song ended, I heard a break for public service
announcements and one of the announcements was two guys talking, and one
gave a phone number that sounded like 253-ACSC, but it's hard to know if
that's right through the jumbled mushy mess of a signal.

At the end of the break, I heard a liner voiced by a deep voiced male  that
said "AFN The Eagle, Serving America's Best". Here's a recording of that

Here's one of 810 The Eagle form November 21st at 1851UTC:

Here's 810 The Eagle from November 22at 1843UTC:

Hear that chirping type sound in the background? It was in one of the
original clips I sent you as well. I did some research into this, and as it
turns out, that's South Korea on 819khz running the infamous "Video game
jammer" trying to jam Pyongyang and the signal is so wide it spreads 8khz
down the dial.

This is what the video game jammer on 819khz really sounds like:

Here's 810 from November 24th at 1810UTC:

I had V7AB in at listenable levels for over half an hour on November 11
between 0518UTC and 0550UTC. The signal would fade down at times but I
would give this an overall SINPO rating of 35354. I'd rate this as good
because I was easily able to understand the music and the clips I uploaded
to YouTube garnered me 4 notices of copyright violations for the songs,
which were all correctly identified by their systems in the copyright
violation notices.

Here's a few clips of V7AB where the music is very audible and easily

Paul Walker
Galena, Alaska
Lowe HF225, Grundig Sattelit 750
DXEngineering HF PreAmp
Two 225 foot long wires
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