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At the end of 2016 I purchased an Elad FDM-S2 which was selling for a 
(discounted $80) price of $495 plus $19.82 shipping from IL.

A few weeks back I did some initial testing of it with both its "native" 
software (FDM-SW2) and with more familiar / generic HDSDR.

Comments below are probably "kindergarten level" for experienced FDM-S2 users.  
Obviously any suggestions that may come forth as a result of my observations 
are welcomed.

First I "live" created a capture file with the FDM-SW2 software.  It wasn't 
immediately obvious to me how to schedule captures with that software so I then 
went ahead and created a few captures with HDSDR.  The HDSDR scheduling set-up 
is familiar to me from using it in the Perseus version.

When you use HDSDR with Elad, you have to select which external I/O DLL file to 

See:  http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/pictures1/hdsdr_select_extio.jpg

I put up two screen shots of HDSDR running the receiver:

The first one shows the entire received spectrum, about 400-1800 kHz, on the 
spectrum and waterfall plots.

The second one has the spectrum zoomed in on a small range around the received 
frequency (Algeria 549).

What I found interesting is that with HDSDR, I could play back captures made 
either with the FDM-SW2 program or HDSDR.

FDM-SW2 plays its own captures OK (I'd send it back if it didn't) but if I 
tried to use it to play the files I'd created with HDSDR, I got a "crab 
message" = File Not Reproducible.

See:  http://www.qsl.net/wa1ion/pictures1/elad_crab_message1.jpg

Here are some audio clips from captures made from the FDM-S2 receiver using the 
HDSDR scheduler.

Spain 1044 (17 FEB @ 2300 UTC)

Algeria 549 (20 FEB @ 0400 UTC)

Algeria 549 (20 FEB @ 0500 UTC) with "tubby anthem"

Mauritania 783 (20 FEB @ 0500 UTC) Koranic wailing

UK 1089 (20 FEB @ 0501 UTC)

I also have an SDRplay RSP1 acquired in late 2016.  I've tuned around the FM 
band with it some but I have not done file capture or AM DX with it yet.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

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