--- Begin Message ---
All times and dates strictly UT [4 hours ahead of `ELT` during EDT; when 
changing times one must also change the dates for events in the 00-04 UT period 
to the previous date by ELT].

Rx: mostly DX-398 with internal antenna only or PL-880; NRD-545 with ALA-330S 
inside E-W or inside randomwire N-S; Nissan stock caradio as specified; IC-R75 
with E-W longwire

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as 

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST: 

All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 
[over 207,000 views! as of April 14, 2017]

These logs are in four sections, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA [if any], unidentified [if any], separated by ======= Within each, they are 
in frequency order

** OKLAHOMA. 930, Friday April 14 at 1228 UT, WKY with no morning DJ show which 
was still shown on their website April 1, but repeated IDs as ``930 AM WKY 
Deportes`` The call letters always pronounced in English. String of national 
and local ads & PSAs, including one in English for an OKC Low-Testosterone 
business --- sports fans have got to keep it up! 1232 UT plugs WKY carrying 
Texas Rangers SBGs. 1233 UT rejoins network ESPN Deportes.

The website still uses the old name,
but has wiped musical show info, except for this presumably now outdated about 
the DJ known as The Roadrunner, (tho check to be sure whether he`s not on M-F 
at 21-01 UT). I am preserving here for posterity [sic without fixing up 
accents, horrendous comma splices]:

``20160421_JoseJaimeLeo-27 [portrait]

Mi nombre es Jose Rivera, me apodan El Correcaminos, naci en Nuevo Laredo, 
amps. Mexico en un 22 de Mayo de 1900 y algo, desde niño me gusto’ la locucion, 
no fue’ hasta finales de los 90’s que se me dio’ la oportunidad de estar en una 
radio al aire, en el 1340 AM, la caliente, con Chuy Vega, estaba en aquel 
entonces en ventas y chuy me daba la oportunidad de entrar al aire en su show, 
trabaje’ un tiempo , deje la radio, en Agosto del 2001, un amigo de nombre 
Mathew Mollman, me dio’ la oporunidad de ayudar en su estacion por 2 semanas, y 
entre’ a trabajar en la 106.7 para un total de 3 años y medio. La Indomable me 
contrato’ un 14 de febrero del 2005, y aqui estamos, gracias al publico, ahora 
de 4-8 PM. Me encanta la musica, especialmente el rock en español, amo la 
cumbia, la clasica, la norteña, la banda, la punta, la rumba, el danzon, la 
characa, el merengue y la salsa, me gusta toda la comida en moderacion, Tacos 
de Carne Asada, Abichuelas con Arroz, un buen Caldo 7 mares y un buen Sirloin 
con Camarones. Me gusta ayudar a mi gente, complacer a mis radioescuchas y 
siempre estar al tanto de lo que pasa en Okc, La Union Americana y el mundo 
entero. Si le gustaria conocerme mas a fondo, lo espero de 4-8 de Lunes a 
Viernes, Aqui, en La Indomable 930AM`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** U S A. 1480, April 7 at 0122 UT, South Asian song is somewhat atop the QRM, 
so apparently KBXD Dallas is still on with R. Namaste. I was wondering, since 
haven`t heard it in some time. Best to check around sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 1480, April 9 at 0650 UT past 0703 UT, South Asian songs are 
dominating, presumed KBXD Dallas with Radio Namaste, and suspected on 50 kW day 
power/pattern. No announcements heard unless while I dozed off (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 1480, April 14 circa 1200-1230 UT, no R. Namaste from KBXD Dallas 
unless it`s the SAH vs dominant KQAM Wichita. Should be in on SRS with 50 kW 
day power; meanwhile KTNO Spanish religion also from The Metroplex is good and 
dominant on 1440; so is KBXD off again? Recently was hearing it dominant at 
night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- End Message ---
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