>>I'm a broadcaster and a DX'er.. been DXing since I was 12 or 13. Been >>a broadcaster for nearly 15 years (i'm 33)

DXing on/off since about the same age. Around 20 years in telecom, but not broadcasting. As for current age, let's say you are young enough to be my son. :^)

>>They could drop a few towers and go with lower power, which would >>make this a potentially viable option. THere's just not alot you can >>do with an AM signal that has high operating expenses, especially as >>a standalone in a market where everything is already being done 2-3-4 >>times over.

This is a much more interesting reply.

Let's hope somebody buys this "old rotting RF heap of a
radio station", and implement your sugestions. As a DXer, I much prefer low power stations.


Ottawa, ON

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