1440-Radio Kiribati is an exotic Pacific island station in Bairiki, Tarawa, an 
island very close to the Equator (in between Hawaii and Japan). For those of us 
who have yet to receive it (which is almost all of us), the station's sign off 
routine around 0933 UTC includes a full-strength 1000 Hz tone just before the 
power is cut off, which can get through QRM very effectively. 

Last night two DXers in Japan (Hiroo Nakagawa and Satoshi Miyauchi, our 
Rockwork 4 DXpedition partners from last July) used this fact along with the 
related Kona DXpedition MP3 to hear and record 1440-Kiribati for the first 
time. They had some serious QRM from 1440-JOWF in Sapporo, but the 1000 Hz sign 
off tone from 1440-Kiribati cut through the Japanese QRM very clearly. Their 
recording (and the original Kona DXpedition 1440-Kiribati MP3) are linked 

Hiroo's 1440-Kiribati MP3 (from last night) 
Kona DXpedition 1440-Kiribati sign off routine MP3 (from April 11) 

Around 0930 UTC, DXers in the western parts of Canada and the U.S. might wish 
to try the same trick to track down the rare station, which is one of the more 
exotic Pacific island broadcasters in the Central Pacific. 

Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 


Pasted below is Satoshi's message concerning the Kiribati reception: 

Hello Gary-san 

It was indeed with our thanks for the most helpful tips from your recent Hawaii 
trip, one of them was the closing procedures of Radio Kiribati. 

Since my PC's capability is extremely low with smaller left disk spaces, I 
could not copy rather clearly tonight, however Hiroo san sent us with this 
excellent recordings of just this evening .. 

Tonight, the propagation was rather good especially to DUs, both NZ and 
Australia , such as 1035kHz was almost every time there .. I tried ultralight 
with your FSL though, clear catch was only usual 630kHz on which Guam hands 
over gently to ABC News on the hour (1000UTC) . 

It was rather instant small pedition at Chigasaki koen or park, where it's back 
is local baseball ground.. 

Have a good Sunday! 

You may find attached audio which matches yours on 1440kHz. 

Satoshi Miyauchi 

>From Satoshi Miyauchi: (pasted) 
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