Some activity on the high side of the band for a change with DU carriers
noted on just about every 9 kHz channel above 1098.  Many strong but
squashed by domestic splatter.  Local sunrise was 1137 UTC.

1098 V7AB - 1129 UTC with man talking in low voice and into Marshalls
national anthem, poor but music recognizable but faded before finish.
Signal really picks up later after it goes to open carrier with a 60 Hz hum
noted again this morning after 1131 UTC sign-off.

1566 UNID - 1148 UTC something there with threshold audio, DU accented man
talking thru heavy domestic splatter.

1638 UNID - 1145+ UTC pop music with thumping beat occasionally heard
through heavy WSJP splatter.

1674 UNID - 1143+ UTC with YL talk, threshold level, in and out of WQLR
slop for brief moments.  Nothing intellegible.

1701.029 UNID - 1147+ UTC with EE talk which sounded like an interview
between man and woman. A 1-800 phone number is given out at 1148 UTC by
woman who says "all you have to do is give us a call, at 1-800-66..."
Unfortunately the rest of the number succumbs to fade.  Audio rapidly in
and out but fair on those rapid peaks.  I note three carriers total here:
1701.002, 1710.029 & 1710.069.  +.029 is the strongest and the one that I
assume I'm hearing, though +.069 isn't far behind in strength.  Any ideas
what I have here?  Islamic Voice Radio or Voice of Charity?  This is the
first decent x-band DU audio ever heard here, albeit only lasting briefly.

Tim Tromp
West Michigan
Perseus SDR + Southwest phased BOGs
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