Very nice indeed!  73 KAZ

On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Mark Connelly via IRCA <> wrote:

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> IRCA mailing list
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Connelly <>
> To:,,
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 12:26:31 -0400
> Subject: 576 South Africa .. new one!
> When reviewing my Perseus capture of 20 OCT at 2300 UTC I noted what
> seemed to be English talk on 576.  Most of the time the channel has RNE
> Spain // Canary Islands synchros, always in Spanish, so I was intrigued.
> I uploaded the file to '
> wihr8af3wu8d8njc01ynjumq3u2t4v8e ' and posted a link on RealDX for
> assistance.
> Right away Bruce Conti recognized EWTN theme music at the top of the hour.
> His comments included:
> "Radio Veritas?  Definite EWTN music at the beginning of the clip.  Per
> the online 576 R.Veritas program schedule
> index.php/programmes EWTN 19:30-03:00 UTC."
> I replied:
> Thanks Bruce.  That would be a new one here.  Propagation from eastern
> Brazil was good (760 at least) so, by extension on a not-too-different
> bearing, lower Africa should also have been in play.
> Here in the New England states this is likely a better South Africa
> opportunity than 828.  That one is in there some evenings but is battered
> by slop from WCRN.
> 576 is not too badly slopped since adjacent 570 (WMCA / Reloj) and 580
> (WKAQ / WTAG) are mostly talk.
> Mark Connelly, WA1ION
> South Yarmouth, MA
> Perseus receiver; cardioid-pattern SuperLoop: 9m vert. by 20m horiz. (peak
> 90 deg., null 270 deg.)
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