Using a quantum phaser, I can usually accomplish what you are asking. Not
always a 100% null, but definitely enough to make the distant stations
dominant depending on the distance difference also. The phaser is best at
nulling closer stations in my opinion.   Jim

Suppose I want to hear the weaker of two stations on the same frequency, where
both stations are pretty much the same direction from my location.
Is it possible that the incoming angle of one signal can be different enough
from the other one, that I can get a deeper null on the stronger
one than on the weaker? Or a different way of asking: Is it possible to null
the much closer station and not put as great of a null on the distant one,
which I would assume would be coming in at a much lower angle?

I hope I'm asking the right question, with my non-expansive understanding
of propagation. I hope to learn more about that whole
topic as time goes by.

I suppose it depends on the antenna being used, and how it's oriented. I would
assume you'd get the kind of control I'm asking about if the null
was steerable in the vertical plane, instead of the horizontal plane.

Best regards,
Mark Pettifor
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