File review from the Cook island DXpedition has uncovered a pretty obscure 
Pacific island station, which doesn't seem to be listed in any North American 
logs. 1170-Eagle Christian Radio is listed with a "?" in the May 2017 PAL, but 
it certainly seemed alive and well at 0707 UTC on 4-12, just after sunset on 
Aitutaki island in the Cook Group.

With a female speaker using island-accented English (not DU English) giving a 
motivational speech mentioning "with your pastor" at the 25 second point, the 5 
kW station in Kwajalein (Marshall Islands) is fortunate to broadcast on one of 
the very few MW frequencies which has no New Zealand stations. The only 
competition that the exotic Pacific island station had during this recording 
was from a pretty wacky source-- the Coast-to-Coast program on KFAQ in Tulsa, 
Oklahoma (at 5,642 miles/ 9080 km)

There is no actual website for the station, although it does have a Facebook 
page at

73 and Good DX,

Gary DeBock (doing file review for the April Cook Island DXpedition on Aitutaki 

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