--- Begin Message ---
Listened from 1250-1334 utc. 

529  ALASKA, KQA-59 Level Island, transcribed weather broadcast 1250 weak. 

567  JAPAN, JOIK Sapporo, NHK1 1318 weak with talk. // JOAK 594. 09/05/2018

594  JAPAN, JOAK Tokyo NHK1 1253 weak with JJ. 09/05/2018

657  DPR KOREA, Pyongyang, 1255 weak with instrumental music, followed by talk. 

693  JAPAN, JOAB, Tokyo, NHK2 1320 fair with Chinese lessons? 09/05/2018

738  UNKNOWN 1325 weak signal with female speaker. Guessing 2NR or Taiwan. 
774  JAPAN, JOUB Akita, NHK2 1259 fair-good. End of English lessons. 3 pips 
tone. 09/05/2018
828  JAPAN, JOBB Osaka, NHK2 1302 weak // 774 JOUB. Fair at 1328. 09/05/2018

1134 JAPAN, JOOR Tokyo, NCB 1330 weak with man in JJ. 09/05/2018

1503 JAPAN, Akita, JOUK NHK1 1332 very weak with male speaker. 09/05/2018

1566 REP OF KOREA, HLAZ, Jeju, 1314 good with piano and woman talking. 

1575 THAILAND, VOA, Ban Phachi, 1316 very weak with woman in Asian language. 

Best regards,

Dennis  Vroom, 
Kalama, WA

--- End Message ---
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