Thanks Guy,

Your comments on the Rockwork recordings are greatly appreciated!

<<< I found your August 8th, 1304 UTC recordings of 1017 kHz to be very 
insightful. The hot rodded D-808 is highly competitive; but on close inspection 
of the stand-alone D-808's recording versus the 17-inc FSL boosted one, you can 
clearly hear the benefits of the extra "oomph". For instance, the 2KY 
Australian is much clearer and crisper to my ears--despite being in the 
background--with the FSL's help. Review the ~00:15-00:18 seconds segment on 
both MP3s and it's especially noticeable. >>>

As you might guess, it was a real blast making that relative strength recording 
of 1017-Tonga on the hot-rodded D-808 and the 17" FSL antenna! I should have 
asked Craig B. to tune in 1017 on his 3.5" Baby FSL at the time, then we would 
have had a three way runoff :-)

As you noticed, the 17" FSL does make a big difference with weak DU signals, 
and on days when the propagation is modest you might feel pretty challenged 
chasing DU's with a hotrod On days of superb propagation, though, the 7.5" 
loopstick D-808 could track down a very good variety of Kiwis, Aussies and 
Tonga.-- although generally at pretty modest signal levels. The Rockwork DU 
propagation is certainly enhanced, but places that are completely surrounded by 
salt water (like Aitutaki in the Cook Islands) are definitely the best for 
these kind of 7.5" loopstick portables. The ocean-boosted propagation kicks in, 
and long range signals are almost never too weak-- there are just too many of 
them to sort out. 90% of the DX during that trip was made with only a 
hot-rodded Skywave SSB model, including 1000-Radio Record in Brazil.

Gary DeBock (across town)

> On September 12, 2018 at 11:21 AM Guy Atkins <> wrote:
>     Hi Gary,
>     Thanks for sharing these superb recordings. We are really blessed to live 
> within driving distance of such a unique DXing spot as the Rockwork cliffs!
>     I found your August 8th, 1304 UTC recordings of 1017 kHz to be very 
> insightful. The hot rodded D-808 is highly competitive; but on close 
> inspection of the stand-alone D-808's recording versus the 17-inc FSL boosted 
> one, you can clearly hear the benefits of the extra "oomph". For instance, 
> the 2KY Australian is much clearer and crisper to my ears--despite being in 
> the background--with the FSL's help. Review the ~00:15-00:18 seconds segment 
> on both MP3s and it's especially noticeable.
>     73,
>     Guy Atkins
>     Puyallup, WA
>     On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 8:54 PM, Gary DeBock < 
> > wrote:
>         > >      As most west coast DXers know the Rockwork ocean cliff near 
> Manzanita, Oregon easily holds the record for New Zealand reception in North 
> America during a DXpedition, but last month the "Kiwi Magic" seemed to 
> include two other nearby Pacific island DU's which seemed to enjoy the same, 
> cliff-boosted propagation rush-- 558-Fiji and 1017-Tonga.
> > 
> >              File review is adding to the charm of the trip, with multiple 
> > S9 recordings from Tonga showing up over the 9 days. Of course numerous New 
> > Zealand stations also managed their best-ever signals, including 531-More 
> > FM, 594-Star, 657-Star, 756-RNZ and 936-Chinese Voice. After file review 
> > the 2 kW relay 639-RNZ was the latest to join the list with an S7 level on 
> > August 1, and even the Tasmanian 585-7RN hit its first S9 level ever. But 
> > the signals from Fiji and Tonga were both in a higher league than in 
> > previous years, resulting in awesome music peaks from each station at 
> > various times during the trip. Quite an unforgettable way to close out the 
> > summer!
> > 
> > 
> >         558  Radio Fiji One   Suva, Fiji, 10 kW   S9 Island music with song 
> > medley ID ("Radio Fiji One, Na Domoiviti") at 1:38 into the recording at 
> > 1252 on 8-1. This was its strongest signal ever at the cliff    
> > 
> >
> > 
> >         1017  A3Z   Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 10 kW   During my first morning at 
> > the cliff (on August 1st) the newly rejuvenated station had an overwhelming 
> > S9+ signal all session long. This was in comparison to marginal reception 
> > in Spanish splatter (from 1020-KTNQ) in years past. Neither Craig Barnes 
> > nor I could believe our ears. This island music was recorded at 1314  
> > 
> >
> > 
> >         This Tongan island music was received on the same morning at 1221  
> > 
> >
> > 
> >         On the second day (8-2), Tonga "only" reached an S9 level with its 
> > beautiful island music (at 1318)  
> > 
> >
> > 
> >         The new Big Gun DU pounds in with S9 music at 1250 on 8-3  
> > 
> >
> > 
> >         The 5 kW Australian station 1017-2KY tries to make it a horse race 
> > at 1304 on 8-8, but ends up folding in the clutch  
> > 
> >
> > 
> >         The exact same segment was recorded on the stand-alone 7.5" 
> > loopstick XHDATA D-808 model at 1304 on 8-8 (all the others were assisted 
> > by the 17" FSL antenna). Even the hot-rodded portable receives a fine 
> > signal from Tonga (and a sinking signal from Sydney)  
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >         73 and Good DX,
> > 
> >         Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >     > 
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