Hi Chris,

Gary's answer is quite correct, and similar boosts occur around sunset when the receiver is to the east of a transmitter on the other side of the ocean. Japanese DXers have heard Argentina on 1030 around Japanese sunset for example, and I'm sure Mark Connelly and others can relate large amounts of DX heard in the eastern USA and Canada in that situation.

Some of the enhancement is due to lower levels of domestic interference as the encroaching sun knocks it out (or domestics are still in daylight in the "eastern" instance), so there is a better signal to interference ratio, but some of it, and in some instances, much of it, seems to be due to an actual increase in signal strength of the DX.

best wishes,


At 07:27 2018-10-11, Gary DeBock wrote:
Hi Chris,
<<< A curiosity though: do you guys only get these signals in a short window of time each day during the Asian nighttime hours or is it more widespread time-wise? (I'm assuming the former and not the latter). I was wondering how good 603's signal would be when they're at 250kw, but I think you don't get TP at those hours anyway. >>>

You would probably laugh if you could see the very brief period that the Korean signals build up in strength during our local sunrise enhancement period, then crash down to nothing soon after they hit their peak. In the case of both 603-Hwaseong and 657-Pyongyang the first hints of an audio signal appear around 1100 UTC here on most nights (0400 local time) in October, but they usually are very weak and trivial (typically staying near carrier level) until local daybreak. Depending on whether the propagation is good, bad or ugly, the daybreak boost can either shoot them up to an S9 level within 15 minutes, or something weaker, or nothing at all. In any case, if you have a sudden S9 signal from Korea (with the exception of maybe 972-HLCA or 1566-HLAZ) you can be sure that the signal is going to nosedive within a half hour, so you better have your recorder ready. During exceptional sessions (especially on ocean beaches) both 603 and 657 can stay in strong audio for over an hour after daybreak, although here in this mediocre location you would be lucky to get 20 minutes.

As you know, Hawaii is in a completely different propagation league, and even the Seoul metropolitan jammers can stick around for hours starting at 0800 UTC in December.

Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

> On October 10, 2018 at 11:04 PM Chris Kadlec <beagleb...@beaglebass.com mailto:beagleb...@beaglebass.com > wrote:
> Your song on 603 Hwaseong is actually an *old* type of Korean rap music. It's by Leessang from back in 2009. Korea was a whole different scene and different culture way back then. It actually came out the very month I moved to Korea.
> A curiosity though: do you guys only get these signals in a short window of time each day during the Asian nighttime hours or is it more widespread time-wise? (I'm assuming the former and not the latter). I was wondering how good 603's signal would be when they're at 250kw, but I think you don't get TP at those hours anyway.
>     -Chris Kadlec
>     Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 16:27:31 -0700 (PDT)
>     From: Gary DeBock <d1028g...@comcast.net mailto:d1028g...@comcast.net >
> To: "America, Mailing" <irca@hard-core-dx.com mailto:irca@hard-core-dx.com >
>     Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-10
> 603 HLSA Namyang, S. Korea At first I thought that this potent mix of voices was a sign of 603-China, but it was only a new type of Korean rap music :-) Reaching S9 during peaks around 1405 https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/aip5h89sd26vh6mbb5hxcrezaq2pjsy0
> 657 Pyongyang BS Following Colin's instructions, I didn't listen too much to this bizarre female vocal music, unlike anything else from across the Pacific (at 1356) https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/tis9gjj9rq34xfc1a2nzljzrtyqrkgga
> 738 HLKG Daegu, S. Korea With its best performance ever here, the KBS overachiever pushes BEL2 aside to reach an S9 level at 1407 https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/oqtjtw4q5gd5n7ljqby77jdx7261omjp
>     73 and Good DX,
>     Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
>     7.5" loopstick CC Skywave Ultralight + 15" FSL antenna
>     DXing at Sam Peach Park in the Puyallup valley (5 blocks from home)
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