Yes, Mark the closer western stuff is typically fading somewhat by my LSR
or slightly after or even a bit prior. Things didn't seem as good this
morning for domestics and the far west faded earlier, although big gun
Aussies hung in there to at least 1220 with 612 and 594 being rather nice
as can copy some words she was saying. 702 and 738 were in a bit prior and
1548 noted in slop and I expect I can pull some audio out of the many
carriers in.  On peaks about 1205 I caught some talking in slop from Tonga
on 1017. Hopefully I can find 5 dB more from it and make a nice recording.
All this noted while DXing live in my DX truck (nice 22F this morning)
while recording parked about 40-50 ft east of my house. I run a 100 ft
extension cord to power the FLG100LN.

My sometimes finicky laptop cost me 1200 ID's but DX is usually  better
after that now, due to pest fading, and many mornings stations run local
stuff at this time, and/or when they come out of hourly nx there's wx and
local ads and if not an ID I can still tell what I have.

Ideally I'd like to start recording this time of the year about 1157-8 as
stations have often ended their talk and sports pgms and are into ads, some
local, some national. As an example yesterday 1157-8 KXTG 750 had a local
lumber yard coming thru CJKH. Milwaukee and Vancouver ments and the address
in Portland matches so no doubt. This faded and them semi-local WNDZ came
on a few secs after 1200 killing the channel for DX except for CJKH.

73 KAZ

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 7:18 AM Mark Pettifor <> wrote:

> When you say "I've learned to wait for stuff a few hundred miles west to
> fade and allow stuff near the west coast to come in" do you mean after
> your local sunrise, as the daylight makes them fade?
> Mark Pettifor
> Goshen IN en71ao
> On 2018-10-20 10:56 pm, Neil Kazaross wrote:
> > I've always felt that Oct. is about the best month to DX and things
> > haven't
> > disappointed recently.
> > I've learned to wait for stuff a few hundred miles west to fade and
> > allow
> > stuff near the west coast to come in. Of course recording with the
> > Perseus
> > is magical, and the DKAZ still seems to be a stunning antenna.
> >
> > New this morning, 750 KXTG OR with local lumber yard ad. 980 KFWB CA
> > with
> > ranchera and finally "La Mera Mera". New audio from Australia as 3RN
> > 621
> > and 5AN 891 finally managed to push some DU accented/inflected  audio
> > past
> > local adjacent slop machines. 610 had rlg mx coming thru KONA WA and it
> > seemed the same as I could dredge up thru the QRM on 920 (usually KVEL
> > UT).
> > Are all Family Radio stns //? (Hoping for sign of needed BC)
> >
> > New over the past couple days.  580 KIDO ID, 590 KQNT WA, 590 KGLE MT
> > (nice
> > ID today)
> > Audio on 1674 from Australia clearly not English. PAL lists Melbourne
> > as
> > only thing I could possibly get. 980 CKNW BC also new.
> >
> > Fun stuff, 840  KMPH CA IDed and bothered in LSB by 837 4RK which was
> > logged again by //.
> > 600 KOGO CA. 1020 KTNQ CA good. 870 KLSQ NV loud! 570 KVI WA. etc etc.
> >
> > 73 KAZ Barrington IL EN52we
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