tired fingers Gary....switched off brain.

558 //603, the usual S. Korean pair.

now, back to sleep, hi.

I assume that you didn't see any signs of the late upper band opening? That was definitely a place where the DXFishbarrel shone, as I would have missed it, if I hadn't had half an eye the display while doing other things. After all, the DX was finished, wasn't it?

best wishes,


At 07:14 2018-10-23, Gary DeBock wrote:
Thanks once again for the detailed TP-DX report, Nick. Here it was a case of modest-strength Asians showing back up after their collapse yesterday, but none of them were very energetic.

<<< 585 //603 soft music 1355UT >>>

I assume you mean the Oz RN network 585 // 603 parallel, Nick, and not the NZ Maori 585 // 603 parallel. If you track down the latter in Victoria, the ionosphere must have developed another layer.

On October 22, 2018 at 11:58 PM Nick Hall-Patch <<mailto:n...@ieee.org>n...@ieee.org> wrote:

The chatter this morning about a late high band Asian boost (1435-1455UT) was the most interesting thing about this session, which otherwise had Asia early and New Zealand later, none of it too strong or interesting

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):

774 JOUB Chinese lessons 1332UT

1314 JOUF woman in Japanese peaking at this level 1449UT, drowning 1320 splatter, also in the lobe of the north Flag

1566 HLAZ man in Chinese 1454UT

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man and woman in Jpanese 1435UT

639 CNR1 man in Chinese 1343UT

1332 JOSF man in Japanese 1451UT, erratic fading

1593 CNR1 man in Chinese 1446UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:

567 JOIK man and woman //594 1435UT

612 4QR man in DU English, other man on phone 1426UT

756 RNZ National? laid back female vocal 1424UT

765 island choral music 1335UT, assumed Kahungunu NZ.

972 HLCA two men in Korean 1335UT

1278 JOFR woman in Japanese 1147UT

1494 tJOYR //1332 from about 1440-1449UT with woman talking and music. This peaked at 1448UT, before being taken over by JOTL (different program fading in from 1332//). Assume this was part of All Night Nippon program; don't have an up to date list, but only JOYR listed on this channel in PAL. However....if JOTL is rebroadcasting JOWF....which is also listed on All Night Nippon....

1557 Taiwan likely with man in Chinese 1448UT

1575 VoA likely with woman and man in SE Asian language 1340UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

585 //603 soft music 1355UT

594 man talking, English DU intonation 1434UT

657 violin solo and woman singing, both with an oriental tinge, and more serious sounding than Star's inoffensive ballads, so assuming N. Korea 1418UT

675 woman talking DU English intonation 1415UT RNZ?

702 Magic; Everly Brothers tune 1420UT, checked website, and there it was listed as last music played

738 man talking, Korean intonation 1333UT

828 3GI talk //612 on west Flag, north Flag had JOBB 1415UT

945 man talking , Chinese intonation 1337UT, something else there not //594

1179 light instrumental music 1447UT, woman talking, Japanese intonation

1206 woman talking, Korean intonation ? Yanbian most likely

1269 rock music 1447-50UT very fadey, and didn't appear // with what was on 1287, 1447-50UT

1287 a mess of Chinese and Japanese talk? 1445-50UT

1296 JOTK man and woman talking 1440UT //594

1323 man talking, Russian intonation 1417UT

1368 NHK1 synchros man mumbling 1444UT, but definitely //594

1386 NHK2 man talking //1593 in a CNR fade at 1448UT

1440 JOWF brief fade up with music //1494 at 1450UT

1449 man talking Japanese intonation, bothered by 1450 splash. at 1444UT, no parallels available so not sure which it might be. DX whatever it was....

1494 JOTL man talking, and into rock tinged music //1440 at 1449-50UT

1593 NHK2 //1386 at 1448UT; also noted NHK pips mixing with CNR ones at 1500UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter)

729 819 855 864 873 891 936 954 1008 1017 1035 1044 1053 1134 1242 1359 1422 1431 1458 1512 1539 1548 seemed to be Asian;
567 594 621 891 1008 1017 seemed to be DU

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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Victoria, BC
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