<<< One can only imagine some of the stuff that is surfacing at the coveted 
coastal locations and in Hawaii (Good luck Gary!) >>>

Thanks Colin,
This may the first time in history when two local DXers (Walt and I) go out for 
ocean coast trips totally exhausted from receiving so much exceptional DX at 
home-- and maybe looking to relax a little? No rest for the weary!


> On November 1, 2018 at 9:40 AM "R. Colin Newell" <coffeecan...@gmail.com 
> mailto:coffeecan...@gmail.com > wrote:
>     From 1345 through top of the hour, things were in pretty good shape still
>     favouring the long haul -
>     Although I did not do a comprehensive band sweep with written loggings,
>     here is an example of how things were shaping up.
>     ---------------------------------------------
>     ---------------------------------------------
>     531 JAPAN JOQG, Morioka, NHK1. Nov 1 1345 – sounded like a location
>     broadcast //567, 594, 666, etc [CN-BC]
>     603 CHINA Nov 1 1346 – Alone on top with the CNR1 program with
>     preachy Chinese woman. [CN-BC]
>     639 CHINA CNR1 Nov 1 1347 – Chinese talk with YL and OM at good
>     levels [CN-BC]
>     657 CHINA/DPR KOREA Pyongyang Nov 1 1347 – Same hypnotic content,
>     same unusually good signals this Fall. [CN-BC]
>     *675 China/Japan/VIETNAM RGD Nei Menggu/Voice of Vietnam/NHK . Nov 1
>     1348 – Easy three-some with double echo Chinese YL pontification,
>     followed by Japanese*
>     *speaking YL/OM in the background and in the same minute a
>     Lao/Vietnamese sounding lady surfaced. This is indicative of the deep
>     continental reception we have been getting into Asia this season.
>     [CN-BC]*
>     756 CHINA various, CNR1. Nov 1 1349 - Chinese OM at very good levels. 
> [CN-BC]
>     837 CHINA Harbin, RGD. Nov 1 1350 – Very good with OM chatting away
>     in strident Chinese [CN-BC]
>     900 CHINA UnID Nov 1 1400 – A series of pips at the top of the hour
>     under the Canadian domestic [CN-BC]
>     963 CHINA Huaduan, CRI. Nov 1 1352 – Russian speaking at very good
>     levels [CN-BC]
>     972 972 REP KOREA HLCA, Dangjin. Nov 1 1352 – Super loud Korea talk
>     and soft music [CN-BC]
>     1116 CHINA various. Nov 1 1355 – Chinese at very good levels on a
>     single pass. Heard no echo or other competition [CN-BC]
>     1179 CHINA Hubei RGD. Nov 1 1356 – At chunky levels and still
>     audible on Honda Civic car radio when pulling into University of
>     Victoria parking lot at 1455 UTC [CN-BC]
>     This was something of a glimpse, a skim, a snapshot of this morning -
>     what's clear is: This has been a good season. It's been an interesting
>     season. We have been getting way more
>     than just coastal Japanese and Korean stations showing up at our
>     antennas - this is deep continental penetration. One can only imagine
>     some of the stuff that
>     is surfacing at the coveted coastal locations and in Hawaii (Good luck 
> Gary!)
>     I'm holding out for a single Philippines station but will accept
>     something more exotic.
>     *Receiver - Drake R8*
>     *North Flag / West Flag Wellbrook FLG100's X 2 Purpose built
>     remote VACTROL antenna termination controllers.*
>     *MISEK/LANKFORD/RATZLAFF Purpose built Phasers*
>     --
>     Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
>     <http://www.Coffeecrew.com> and DXer.ca <http://www.DXer.ca> -
>     VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada
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