From November 10 - 17 I was in Lubec, Maine for the QH12 DXpedition, named after
the place I stay - Quoddy House.

I had three DKAZ antennas up during most of the week - one at 115 deg. for
LatAm/Africa, one at 35 deg. for Europe and beyond and one at a nearby location,
Lubec Bay Cottage, at 80 deg. for whatever I could catch.  All used Vactrol

I use Perseus receivers and have gotten far enough into wav file review to give
a picture of what was heard:

The highlite was some of the best TP reception I've had at QH with many carriers
and audio on 747, 774, 945, 972, 1089, 1098 [Marshall Is.],1206, 1287 and 1566

For those unfamiliar, I don't keep a written log.  The webpage above IS my log.
Every 'logging' is an audio sample.  The table presented is sorted by frequency
along the left side with column headings on the right corresponding to the
antenna, date and hour of the log.  You can click on the round play button to
hear the corresponding sound sample.

In the heading area of the webpage there are links to ’summary stats’, a map of 
my loggings, geomagnetic conditions during the week and a ‘quick tour’ of the 
and antenna.


Bill Whitacre
Alexandria, VA
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