Chuck, I didn’t erect any DU wires this time. The Aussies were heard on the
NE BoG so no promises. I’v Just set up // BoGs to experiment with a phaser.
73, Walt

On Sunday, December 30, 2018, Chuck Hutton <> wrote:

> Yes, Western Australia is the only ABC station on 531 so you have a tough
> catch.
> Sounds like the regulars were fairly strong.  We'll hope for a later
> report with lots of unusual stuff.
> Chuck
> ________________________________
> From: IRCA <> on behalf of Volodya S <
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018 12:14 PM
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
> Subject: [IRCA] TP from Masset for 30 Dec 2018
> An interesting morning with a strong Japanese showing as well as some
> Australia. 531 was especially interesting as I heard the ABC fanfare at
> 15:00 (does that mean 6DL Western Australia?)  but at 16:00 it was 4KZ
> armchair ID at 16:03 and // to much weaker 5055.  AFN was powerful on 1575
> and it’s still there at 19:30 UTC. Even a loud Iranian jammer earlier on
> the same frequency. Too much fun for sure!  73, from Masset (as I type this
> on my iPhone on the beach Alaska is in view and an eagle is regularly
> flying back and forth where the surf breaks. Too nice!)
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