sorry, the other answer went without the list.
For popen, here is not tested snipped to give you a jump start. The docs
for subprocess.popen are your friend.

        import subprocess
        args = ["replace with full path to ogr2ogr.exe",
                "ESRI Shapefile"]
        p = subprocess.Popen(args)
        if p.returncode:
            print "failed with errorlevel %s" % p.returncode

the parameters for ogr2ogr may need to be adjusted. Documents from esri are
not consistent.

On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Djordje Spasic <>

> Hi Pawel,
> Thank you for the suggestion.
> I am not familiar with subprocess.popen.
> How would command line utility look like for this code:
> *import *clr
> iteropMapWinGIS_dll_filePath = "C:\\Program Files\\MapWindow GIS
> Lite\\Interop.MapWinGIS.dll"
> clr.*AddReferenceToFileAndPath*(iteropMapWinGIS_dll_filePath)
> *import *MapWinGIS
> utils = MapWinGIS.*UtilsClass*()
> osm_filePath = "C:\\rome.osm"
> shps_filePath = "C:\\rome_sph_files"
> bstrOptions = '--config OSM_USE_CUSTOM_INDEXING NO -skipfailures -f "ESRI
> Shapefile"'
> convertToShapefiles_Result = MapWinGIS.UtilsClass.*OGR2OGR*(utils,
> osm_filePath, shps_filePath, bstrOptions, *None*)
> *if *convertToShapefiles_Result == *False*:
>     *print *"MapWinGIS.UtilsClass.OGR2OGR failed the first time"
>     *print *utils.ErrorMsg
>     *print *utils.LastErrorCode
>     *print *MapWinGIS.*GlobalSettingsClass*().GdalLastErrorNo
>     *print *MapWinGIS.*GlobalSettingsClass*().GdalLastErrorMsg
>     *print *MapWinGIS.*GlobalSettingsClass*().GdalLastErrorType
> *else*:
>     *print *"MapWinGIS.UtilsClass.OGR2OGR successfully ran the first time"
> I would welcome any kind of further reply.
> Kind regards,
> Djordje
> -----------------
> On Sunday, November 27, 2016 5:11 PM, Pawel Jasinski <
>> wrote:
> From the API documentation, this is just an alternative entry point to
> command line utility.
> If the API does not behave, why not call the command line utility using
> subprocess.popen ?
> --pawel
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