I don't seem to be able to call Dispose on a filestream. Needless to say this is problematic.

Here's a paste, straight from the IR console (latest svn version 141)
>>> require 'mscorlib'
=> true
>>> include System::IO
=> Object
>>> $fs = FileStream.new( 'file.txt', FileMode.Open )
=> #<System::IO::FileStream:0x000005c>
>>> $fs.Dispose
c:\development\ironruby\trunk\src\microsoft.scripting.core\actions\matchcaller.generated.cs:30:in `Call2': wrong number or type of arguments for `Dispose' (ArgumentError)
        from c:\development\ironruby\trunk\src\microsoft.scripting.core\actions\callsite.cs:275:in `UpdateAndExecute'
        from c:\development\ironruby\trunk\src\microsoft.scripting.core\actions\updatedelegates.generated.cs:38:in `Update2'
        from :0

All the other methods on the filestream object work fine (read_all_text, and so on), but the call to dispose crashes.

Likewise, I get a crash calling methods with overloads, which looks like it may (??) be related.

>>> require 'mscorlib'
=> true
>>> include System::IO
=> Object
>>> $bytes = System::IO::File.read_all_bytes( 'file.txt' ); nil  # nil is to prevent ir from printing the GIANT ARRAY
=> nil
>>> $text = System::Text::Encoding.UTF8.get_string($bytes)
c:\development\ironruby\trunk\src\microsoft.scripting.core\actions\matchcaller.generated.cs:35:in `Call3': wrong number or type of arguments for `get_string' (ArgumentError)
        from c:\development\ironruby\trunk\src\microsoft.scripting.core\actions\callsite.cs:275:in `UpdateAndExecute'
        from c:\development\ironruby\trunk\src\microsoft.scripting.core\actions\updatedelegates.generated.cs:45:in `Update3'
        from :0

>>> $text = System::Text::Encoding.UTF8.get_string($bytes, 0, $bytes.length)
It seems like it can't figure out that there is GetString(bytes) and GetString(bytes, index, length) and just uses the latter always.
Is there a solution for either of these problems?

Thanks a lot, Orion

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