Andreas Schropp wrote:
On 08/24/2010 06:35 PM, Makarius wrote:
Just like global types/consts/defs, local fixes/assumes merely generate an infinite collection of consequences. The latter is what you are working with conceptually, but it is not practical. So the system provides further slots to declare certain consequences of a context to certain tools: simp, intro, elim etc.

I don't get this response:
if a Free x is not mentioned in any assumes, the elimination of a hyp x=t can not affect provability of the goal, because any deductions involving x can be done with an arbitrary term of the same type (esp. t) instead, right?

The safety concerns discussed here are not the only relevant design principle. If a method would peek at the assumtions in a context, you would get a different behaviour of

lemma fixes x shows "A x ==> B x"
apply method


lemma fixes x
  assumes a: "A x"
  shows "B x"
apply (insert a)
apply method

Safe or not, this is obviously undesirable.

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