On 19.11.2010 11:49, Makarius wrote:
On Fri, 19 Nov 2010, Alexander Krauss wrote:

- Relative paths are not resolved by the current simple parser. I
remember that there used to be some oddities in PG related to relative
paths. I am not sure what the situation is now. What is the meaning of
a relative path in an "imports" or "uses" declaration?
In principle the relatively recent "master path" concept should solve
all that, but its needs to be done right once and for all in the Scala
layer. The add_path stuff should disappear at some point, with the usual
delay in deleting old features.

I did some tests to see how this master path concept works (by loading theories with convoluted imports in isabelle tty). My current understanding is as follows:

For a path P, let name(P) be the last component of the past and base(P) the remaining components.

 - For each theory file, its "master directory" is the directory, the
   theory file is located in.

 - When theory A imports theory B, then Isabelle searches

     (1) master_dir(A)/B
     (2) current_dir/name(B)
     (3) $LOAD_PATH/name(B)
         (for some load paths, includes e.g. Library for HOL)

(If I read the code correctly, (2) belongs to (3), as current_dir is part of the load path).

Is this understanding correct?

While I agree with (1), I'm a bit sceptical about (2) and (3). For one, it seems strange to drop base(B) in this cases -- is this intentional? One should either use B here (or perhaps drop (2) and (3) completely, if B is not just a theory name).

Furthermore, I would argue that current_dir should not be part of the load_path while recursively loading dependencies. The only time current_dir should be considered is when loading a theory file "from the toplevel".

Greetings, Lars
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