Friends and Colleagues,

I'm pleased to announce that on May 2nd I will be joining Flemming
Andersen's formal verification (FV) team within Intel's Many Integrated Core
(MIC) supercomputing division.

The MIC division is developing next-generation supercomputing and cloud
computing microprocessors, and as part of the FV team we will apply a wide
range of formal verification tools, including Intel's state-of-the-art Forte
verification environment. Finding "billion dollar bugs" before they are
baked into silicon is personally very compelling!

However I will also miss working with my colleagues at Galois. I'm proud to
have been part of a company that has seriously applied functional
programming and formal methods towards solving critical security problems.

For now you can reach me via email at

After May 2nd, you can also reach me at my Intel email address:

You can find out more about Intel's Many Integrated Core (MIC) division

Tom Melham provides a good overview of the Forte verification system here:


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