On Tue, 20 Sep 2011, Makarius wrote:
In the meantime I have investigated this a little bit. It seems that HOL-Probability requires quite some memory even in minimalistic batch mode -- approx. 2GB on my 4GB machine. With Isabelle/jEdit one needs further 600 MB for the editor process and the same (and more) for the fully persistent document state within ML. So it adds up to something > 4 GB such that it becomes infeasible to edit the full session live on a "small" laptop with "only" 4 GB.

I tried to reduce the runtime requirement of HOL-Probability by removing some of the sublocale instantiations. As a lot of time is spend in locale interpretation inside proofs.

For example currently I had:

     locale A = ...
     locale B = A + ...

(0)  locale C = A + th
     sublocale C < B

I assume replacing (0) by:

  locale C = B + th

  lemma [Pure.intros!]: "C <-> A /\ th"

should fasten up locale interpretation?

But how is it in the following case:

     locale prodA = A M1 + A M2

(1)  locale prodB = B M1 + B M2
     sublocale prodB < prodA
     locale prodC = C M1 + C M2
     sublocale prodC < prodB
     locale prodD = D M1 + D M2
     sublocale prodD < prodA

Or should this be:

(2)  locale prodB = prodA + B M1 + B M2
     locale prodC = prodB + C M1 + C M2
     locale prodD = prodC + D M1 + D M2

as a user the difference should not be visible, and I thought (1) would be slower than (2) but after updating Probability it seams like (2) is slower than (1).

 - Johannes

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