On Thu, 17 Nov 2011, Makarius wrote:
When it comes to the AFP failure, there's a second AFP failure, in
JinjaThreads, that's obviously related to the servers' being down
yesterday; the Lam-ml-Normalization failure could be due to that, too.
I am experiencing Lam-ml-Normalization problems since a couple of weeks,
but this is only due to an update of my LaTeX installation on Mac OS X.
Otherwise the session seems to be fine, and should still work on the
usual Linux systems.
For the record: this is what Latex complains about on my Mac OS box.
*** ! LaTeX Error: You have run the document with pdflatex, but PSTricks
*** requires latex->dvips->ps2pdf or alternatively the use
*** of the package `auto-pst-pdf'. Then you can run
*** `pdflatex -shell-escape <file>' (TeX Live)
*** or
*** `pdflatex -enable-write18 <file>' (MikTeX).
This is AFP fb06f7fec099.
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