On Fri, 30 Nov 2012, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

I imagine that some sort of short tutorial video or slideshow (analogous to the one I made a number of years ago) might be better than any amount of written documentation.

I've recently started experimenting with video recording, which works quite well e.g. on Ubuntu 12.04 with one of the many open-source applications for that.

After spending some hours on it, I tried to present the results on a web page and failed miserably. Web "standards" don't really exist. One might interpret the "5" in HTML5 as "5 years from now" or "need 5 different formats for your video". Most people seem to delegate the problem to Youtube.

I am only a beginner in the film production business. So maybe some experts on it can say more.

Once the technical side-conditions are worked out, one needs to have a good "script" to explain how to produce nice proof documents (not scripts).

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