On 18/01/13 16:49, David Greenaway wrote:
One minor problem I am hitting is the "Tracing paused" messages when
running proofs interactively. More precisely, when a tactic (or similar)
generates too much output using the "tracing" command, the following
message is displayed:
Tracing paused. Stop, or continue with next 10, 100, 1000 messages?
Clicking on one of the numbers listed in the message allows more tracing
messages to be displayed, and the tactic to continue.
While the unification eventually succeeds, each such proof statement
requires human interaction in order to be processed.
After inspecting the Isabelle source a little more, I have seen that
there is a jEdit configuration variable:
that allows the pause threshold to be adjusted. Setting this value to
a large number solves my first problem.
Sorry for the noise.
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