Hi all,

since "Containers" are in the AFP mira results in global crashes of the build tool (http://isabelle.in.tum.de/testboard/Isabelle/report/2cef0644d3d7416f8d7cea92e24fd694). By global I mean that no session is built at all due to an outdated (wrt Isabelle repository, e.g. 916271d52466) import of "src/HOL/Library/Efficient_Nat.thy" in the session "Containers-Benchmarks".

For now I commented the "Containers-Benchmarks" session out (AFP/ 99c45df7f5af) - now the test will reveal further outdated constructs in "Containers" (mostly related to Florian's reform of the code generation for numerals).

The question remains, whether it is possible for the build tool to proceed with other sessions if the imports of a single session are faulty.

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