Hi Florian,

On 18/07/13 15:07, Florian Haftmann wrote:
The idea is to have an explicit delete declaration, e.g. something like

definition error_case_for_f where [code del]: "error_case_for_f = f"

which will both have the effect of leaving no code equations for
error_case *and* generate exception code (instead of aborting).
I see, but I recommend that the attribute is not called [code del], but e.g. 
[code abort].
However, I am not sure whether I like this idea, because an attribute that acts on a theorem seems weird, as "generate exception code" is a property of a constant rather than a theorem. So I still think that something like

  declare [[code_abort error_case_for_f]]


  code_abort error_case_for_f

feels more natural than

  declare some_thm_with_error_case_for_f_as_head_symbol [code_abort]

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