> Despite such routine improvements, many users will probably just stick to old 
> habits from the TTY age, and put the sledgehammer command into the text. (Are 
> there remaining uses of this ancient form? Or are there still pending 
> problems with the current Sledgehammer panel?)

I don’t think such uses of essentially diagnostic commands should go away, even 
if the corresponding panel works perfectly.

I find typing in a diagnostic command usually much faster and less disruptive 
of the workflow than finding a panel in a list of tabs, and using the mouse to 
move focus there. Even though we have the very nice command-click for theorems 
etc, I still find myself using the thm command semi-regularly, just because I 
don’t want to pick up the mouse, or I want to leave in the command to remind 
myself of something, or I want to see the theorem in the context of where I’m 
trying to use it instead of were it is define.

Sledgehammer is a slightly different case, because it often takes longer, but 
even here I still sometimes prefer the text to the graphical interface when I’m 
just using it to find a theorem.

Panels are clearly better for beginners, and I do myself much appreciate them 
for things I don’t do often, but I think we should continue to support both 
modes of interaction so that people can do what suits their workflow best.



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