On Sat, 11 Apr 2015, Lars Noschinski wrote:

I sometimes managed to hang Isabelle/jEdit by:

 * changing multiple files
 * selecting "quit"
 * in the dialog asking me whether I want to save all files, clicking
   on "Select All" then "Save Selected"

The editor hang for a few minutes, till I killed it with SIGKILL
(SIGTERM didn't suffice). Most recently, this happened with 19e5f5ac7b59.

Such a SIGKILL situation is generally bad. It means that the JVM is somehow locked-up in a worse-than-normal way, although I don't understand the details of it.

I have sporadically seen the same over the past few years. Such incidents are too rare to pin them down, though.

If you see it happening more often, it might help to run Isabelle/jEdit like this:

  isabelle jedit -j-log=1 >log

and later inspect the log file.

There is also a default log file $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/jedit/activity.log but it only contains messages of higher priority. (There might be ways to configure that in jEdit.)


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