On 26 October, 2015 10:38 CET, Tobias Nipkow <nip...@in.tum.de> wrote: 
> My desire to generate code from locale interpretations w/o having to make a 
> number of trivial function definitions was what started this whole business a 
> number of years back. Florian's very useful implementation of that really 
> needs 
> to make it into Main.

It could simply be integrated with the current interpretation and sublocale 
commands, where the definitions could be supplied in a separate clause, as 
suggested by Florian, perhaps using "defines" as keyword.  Would this suit your 

(Independently I intend to change the keyword for the rewrite morphisms clause 
of these commands from "where" to "rewrites", to better distinguish it from 
named instantiations in locale expressions.)

> My understanding of "sublocale" is that it is an interpretation within a 
> locale 
> and I have used that explanation in papers because I find it very succinct. 
> Thus 
> I would welcome if the same keyword is used.

This view is of course valid, but it isn't the whole story.  With "sublocale" 
these interpretations are orchestrated in a manner such that the locale 
hierarchy is effectively changed.  Now I can see that there might be domains 
where this more abstract view is not relevant, but when working with a 
hierarchy of locales representing algebraic structures it is certainly 
appropriate.  It should also be kept in mind that "sublocale" is established in 
the locale documentation including my JAR paper [1].  If the desire for a 
different keyword is so strong, perhaps an alias might be a solution.


[1] Clemens Ballarin. Locales: a module system for mathematical theories. 
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 52(2):123–153, 2014.

> On 25/10/2015 11:16, Clemens Ballarin wrote:
> > Hi Florian,
> >
> > this proposal goes too far, of perhaps, not far enough.  Let me explain.
> >
> > There is of course nothing wrong with providing new commands and 
> > enhancements for frequent use cases.  However, I don't see a good reason 
> > why users should be forced to write 'permanent_interpretation' where they 
> > could write 'interpretation' or 'sublocale'.
> >
> > I don't object to a careful evolution of the user interface to locales, but 
> > I don't think you're heading in the right direction.  Your 
> > 'permanent_interpretation' lets users make some definitions followed by, 
> > depending on the context, an interpretation or a sublocale declaration.  
> > This is certainly useful, but it is not general enough for making it the 
> > preferred command.  For example, it doesn't permit function declarations.  
> > It also blurs the distinction between 'interpretation' and 'sublocale' by 
> > calling the latter 'permanent_interpretation' when in a locale context, but 
> > not at the level of theories, but instead calling the former 
> > 'permanent_interpretation' at the level of theories.
> >
> > It should be kept in mind that in the current design the 'interpretation' 
> > commands are effective for the lifetime of their context: in theories they 
> > are therefore permanent, in context blocks they persist for that block and 
> > within a proof 'interpret' provides services for that proof.  This is 
> > pretty straightforward.  On the other hand, 'locale' and 'sublocale' are 
> > theory-level commands that relate a locale to a locale expression (which in 
> > both cases becomes a sublocale of the locale).  Their only difference is 
> > that 'locale' declares a new locale while 'sublocale' refers to an existing 
> > one.  We have allowed the use of 'sublocale' in locale contexts as a 
> > notational convenience, but I don't consider it a good idea to further blur 
> > the distinction between 'interpretation' and 'sublocale'.  Calling 
> > 'sublocale' 'permanent_interpretation' in some contexts and 'sublocale' in 
> > others is certainly bad.  The current design is, of course, not cast in 
> > stone, but for changing it, there has to be a 
> consistent vision first, so we know where we are heading.
> >
> > Certainly, your work has partly been inspired by the feeling that the 
> > current locale commands only provide the bare basics for manipulating 
> > locales.  For example, basing an interpretation or sublocale declaration on 
> > definitions is certainly something that could be done in a fancier manner.  
> > The situation is perhaps a bit similar to that of 'axclass' several years 
> > ago, where your work on type classes has improved the user experience 
> > dramatically.  If you would like to bring locales forward, you might 
> > consider developing ideas along those lines.  The required definitions and 
> > proofs for an interpretation could for example be collected in a dedicated 
> > context in a step-by-step manner similar to that of class instantiation.  
> > Your work also seems to be inspired by the desire to gradually rename 
> > 'sublocale' to 'interpretation', which I find surprising, because, compared 
> > to classes, 'sublocale' is the direct analogue of 'subclass' and 
> > 'interpretation' is the direct analogue of 'instantiation
> '.
> >
> > Clemens
> >
> >
> > On 13 October, 2015 15:13 CEST, Florian Haftmann 
> > <florian.haftm...@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> wrote:
> >
> >> Recently in private discussion there was the question what the supposed
> >> future of permanent_interpretation is supposed to be.
> >>
> >> It looks as follows:
> >> Step 1)
> >>    * Put »permanent_interpretation« into Pure directly.
> >> Step 2)
> >>    * Careful revisiting of the documentation to emphasize the presence of
> >> permanent_interpretation.
> >>    * »permanent_interpretation« as leading construct in the distribution
> >> and the AFP as far as appropriate
> >> Step 3)
> >>    * Discontinue theory-global »interpretation«, which then is just a
> >> degenerated form of »permanent_interpretation«.
> >>    * Discontinue locale-level »sublocale«, which then is just a
> >> degenerated form of »permanent_interpretation«.
> >>
> >> There will definitely be one release to breath between step 2 and step 3.
> >> Cheers,
> >>    Florian
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> PGP available:
> >> http://home.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/haftmann/pgp/florian_haftmann_at_informatik_tu_muenchen_de
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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