A while ago, Florian Haftmann sent a command that does something like this to 
the mailing list [1]. I attach a version that works with current Isabelle2016-1 
(not sure if I got all the modifications right, but it seems to work at least 
on the example in the .thy file).



Attachment: Explorer.thy
Description: Binary data

> Am 09.07.2017 um 16:58 schrieb Lawrence Paulson <l...@cam.ac.uk>:
> What I’m requesting requires no sophistication at all. It is merely to 
> automate what we currently do by copying from one window and pasting to 
> another, while inserting “fix”, “assume” and “show” in the obvious places.
> Larry
>> On 9 Jul 2017, at 16:32, Lars Hupel <hu...@in.tum.de> wrote:
>> I currently supervise a student who's investigating proof refactoring. One 
>> possible outcome of this would be a tool that also does what you suggested. 
>> It's a little too early to tell, though.
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