
why not talking on ISIS at the JUG Austria - we could do something together. with two original austrians (mark as a commiter and you as a mentor) and me (as a german immigrant) this might be funny. we should concrete these plans after my return to austria in the mid' of february.


Am 30.01.2011 22:48, schrieb Siegfried Goeschl:
Hi folks,

that is something we should do for the "Java User Group Austria" as well - Sabine might volonteer if we ask here nicely ... :-)


Siegfried Goeschl

On 1/30/11 12:35 PM, Dan Haywood wrote:
Hi Jeroen,
Nice to hear that you're doing this. Are you okay for slide materials? I
probably have some slides that I can make available for you to adapt, if
you wish?

On 25/01/2011 13:35, Jeroen van der Wal wrote:
I volunteered to do a talk about Apache Isis on the next meeting of
the DDD
Netherlands User Group, March 15th in Amsterdam. Perhaps others like to
share their experiences with Isis and/or Naked Objects too? I'm open for
suggestions to make this an effective talk.

More info about the DDD NL UG can be found here: http://www.dddnl.org/

Jeroen van der Wal

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