On 01/02/2011 06:27, Kevin Meyer wrote:
I've started slowly chipping away at writing the supporting documentation
for the SQL object store (thanks Dan for suggesting 25 minute slots!).

What Kevin is referring to here is something I mentioned to him on IRC, namely the "Pomodoro Technique" [1]. The idea is to work solely on a single task for 25 minutes; if something else pops into your mind while working on that task, then make a quick note of it but then carry on with what you are meant to be working on.

For myself, I've been using this technique to just do a little on Isis each and every day. I try to do either one or two "pomodoros" on Isis before starting getting down to (proper, paid, non-Isis) work, and I try to do one or two pomodoros at the end of the working day if I have the energy.

I'm keen that we maintain momentum with Isis, but obviously we all have "real" jobs to do. If you'd like to be contributing more to Isis but haven't managed to get started, why not try this technique and see if it works for you?


PS: as an extension on this technique, keep a calendar and put a X in it for every day that you were able to perform a pomodoro. After a while, you won't want to break your streak. Apparently Jerry Seinfeld (the US comedian) uses this to write new material every day. Some of the authors at pragprog.com are also using it as a way of writing their books.

PPS: of course, this technique can be used for anything you want to work on, not just Isis !

[1] http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/

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