Ayoon wa Azan (They Deserve One Another)

Jihad Al Khazen     Al-Hayat      2004/09/13

An anecdote from the days of the Soviet Union, talks about a man standing in a long cue to buy food for his family; the man loses his patience, and leaves the line while shouting that he is going to kill Leonid Brezhnev. However, the man comes back to the cue an hour later, and says that he found the cue of those who want to kill Brezhnev longer.          

Today, the cue of those who hate George W. Bush is longer than that of those who wished to kill Brezhnev. The American President generates hatred in his enemies; a thing I personally did not witness during the days of Richard Nixon, Leonid Brezhnev, or Bill Clinton.

At the beginning, I thought it was my duty to read political books because they are part of my work. However, I soon realized that if I read half of them, I would not have any more time for my work.

Currently, there are books which topics are explained by their titles, like The Lies of George W. Bush, Fraud: The Strategy Behind the Bush Lies and Why the Media Didn't Tell You, The Bush-Haters Handbook, The I Hate George W. Bush Reader, and The I Hate Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice Reader … I will not talk again about books I already  discussed, back in the days when I thought that I could still follow newly published books, such as those of Al Franken and Michael Moore.  

Today, there is an uproar in the American media because of a new book on Dubya. The new element in it is its author Kitty Kelly, who is famous for her books on the biographies of famous people, from Frank Sinatra, to Nancy Reagan, and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Kelly's book The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, will be out in the U.S. today; I will not read it because I could imagine its content. I read that the author accuses Bush of using drugs, and I read reviews for the book that tackled this issue. Did Bush use drugs? He said during his last electoral campaign that he has not used drugs since 1974, which means that he was on drugs prior to that. While I personally consider it more probable for Bush to have taken drugs like the majority of his generation in the 60s and 70s (we all remember Clinton saying that he smoked Marijuana but did not inhale), I have no proof, and I do not think Kitty Kelly got any either. She attributes to Sharon Bush, his brother's (Neil) ex-wife, her saying that W. used drugs; however, we should remember that Sharon's divorce was a violent battle that ended with permanent disagreement. Sharon Bush completely denied saying anything about drugs. However, Kelly and the publisher insisted on the validity of the information, and on Sharon as a source.

Not all the latest books on Bush are "I Hate Readers," or like Kitty Kelly's exaggerations. There is a book on the market called Bushworld: Enter at Your Own Risk by Maureen Dowd, and What We've Lost by Graydon Carter. In addition, there is a book entitled Attack Poodles and Other Media Mutants: The Looting of the News in a Time of Terror by James Wolcott. The subtitle explains the reason for this sarcasm, as it means that the author is accusing the media of dealing with the administration as a pampered dog and not attacking it with the savagery of a wolf or a Doberman.

Maureen Dowd is one of my favorite writers; I patiently wait for her articles in The New York Times, in which she combines intelligence with scathing, and mocks in a way that no male colleague is capable of. I found that her book includes the articles she wrote during the last four years. I have most probably read all of them back then, and have a general comment: this intelligent analyst expected the catastrophe that would follow the war on Iraq, and talked about increasing terrorism instead of controlling it; however, no one paid heed to her words.

I do not think that I will read Carter's book, as what made me order it is that his author is Vanity Fair's editor, a women's magazine that was not famous for its political stances before Bush made the editor change his habit, start writing political opinions, and end up by writing a book about Bush, of which I read reviews saying that it relies on accurate research in which 11 researchers participated. As an editorial, the magazine published a list of names of American servicemen who were killed in Iraq, in alphabetical order.

Wolcott's book is different from the previous, as it launched a campaign against the media that appeased Bush, not against the President himself. The book targeted the arrows of sarcasm against Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN. However, the subject, which is believing the administration's lies about the existence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, is consumed.

I think I found a common point between all previous books, despite their different subjects; as all authors aggressively attacked Bush. However, they do not hate him as some claim; they think that Bush is ignorant, hence his mistakes could be explained, unlike the bright Bill Clinton, who was attacked by Maureen Dowd for his sex scandals.

Certainly, Bush's supporters do not stand idle vis-à-vis the Liberals' campaign against their inspired leader. If some of the readers support Bush, they could read The Faith of George W. Bush by Steven Mansfield, Off with Their Heads: Traitors, Crooks & Obstructionists in American Politics, Media & Business by Dick Morris, Why I Hate the Democrats by Randy Howe, or Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man by David Hardy. They could also read Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry , or Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security.

I do not think that a reasonable reader would read any of these; I would not have talked about them if I did not receive them without asking. I decided to believe what the Republicans say about the Democrats and Kerry, and what the Democrats say about the Republicans and Bush; both parties deserve each other.

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