
"Berkhatan untuk semua lelaki Malaysia", apakah saranan ini bernas? Bagi saya cara penyelesaian yang saudara nak bawa ini campur tolak = kondom percuma.

Setahu saya penyakit AIDS ini berjangkit Melalui -
1) hubungan seks rambang (risiko tinggi kerana kemungkinan untuk berjumpa pasangan kena AIDS tinggi),
2) perkongsian jarum
3) Pemindahan darah
4) Ibu kepada anak dalam (10% risiko-saya pernah dengar statistik nih tapi kalau tak tepat tolong pihak dokter / ahli sains betulkan).

Jadi yang perlu kita jelaskan perbuatan yang diharamkan dalam Islam adalah zina, perkongsian jarum.

Manakala hubungan seks suami atau isteri yang dijangkiti AIDS sebenarnya boleh dilakukan jika kita yakin dengan penggunaan kondom dapat menghindarkan kita dari Darurat dijangkiti HIV. (Kalau Kerajaan nak beri Kondom percuma kepada suami ini saya setuju, kerana hubungan seks ini asalnya tidak dilarang oleh syarak).

Jarum percuma saya langsung tidak setuju kerana semuanya membantu mereka, cucuk benda haram dalam badan mereka. Ibarat pembunuh upahan yang diberi ubat bedil percuma. Sedangkan kita pasti mereka melakukan kerja haram jadah tu. Tidakkah "alwasilatu ila haram, haram" (Jalan yang membawa kepada benda yang haram adalah haram).

Sebenarnya isu Khitan ini tidak semudah ABC, begitu juga isu kondom ini tidak sepayah mana, yang jadi rumit kerana Hukum Islam itu tidak diterapkan dengan betul. Maka beralihlah manusia kepada hukum rekaan mereka sendiri. Kalau mereka mengkaji hukum Islam dengan jelas InsyaAllah isu kondom dan syringe percuma ini tak jadi isu.

Nasihat saya "Jangan jadikan sains sebagai tolak ukur kebenaran hukum Islam".

sekian wassalam

On 7/29/05, Rozmal bin Malakan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kajian dilakukan oleh France's National AIDS Research
Komen : Kalau ikut yang sunat (berkhatan) boleh kurang
65% risiko dijangkiti HIV/AIDS, insyaAllah kalau ikut
perintah Allah yang wajib dan meninggalkan yang haram
(zina, arak dll)  boleh kurang 100%. Tak perlulah lagi
beri jarum dan kondom percuma. Maka eloklah peruntukan
berjuta-juta ringgit beri kondom percuma itu diganti
dengan program berkhatan semua lelaki di Malaysia ini
tak kira apa agama.
Male Circumcision Reduces AIDS Risk: Study

The study revealed that circumcision reduces the risk
of men contracting AIDS during heterosexual
intercourse by about 65 percent.

CAIRO, July 28, 2005 ( – Male
circumcision reduces the risk of female-to-male
transmission of the AIDS virus, a new French study

Researchers told the Third International AIDS Society
Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, which
wrapped up in Rio de Janeiro Wednesday, July 27, that
circumcision reduces the risk of men contracting the
deadly and incurable virus during heterosexual
intercourse by about 65 percent, The New York Times

"There had always been a suspicion that male
circumcision prevented AIDS ... but this is the first
randomized study using control trials," said Dr.
Bertrand Auvert, who coordinated the study for
France's National AIDS Research Agency.

The study was conducted between 2002 and 2005 with
more than 3,000 healthy, sexually active males between
18 and 24 in Orange Farm, South Africa, where about 32
percent of the female population was HIV positive.

About half of the subjects were circumcised by medical
professionals, and the rest remained uncircumcised.
All of the men received counseling on AIDS prevention.

At the end of the trial, researchers registered 69 HIV
cases, and only 18 of them were in the men who were
circumcised at the start.

"Circumcision prevented six to seven out of 10
potential HIV infections," Auvert said.

Researchers believe circumcision helps to cut
infection risk because the foreskin is covered in
cells that the virus seems able to easily infect.

The virus may also survive better in a warm, wet
environment like that found beneath a foreskin.

Circumcision is a confirmed Sunnah (Sunnah Mu'akkadah)
in Islam as an act pertaining to fitrah (pure human


Following the study findings, the World Health
Organization said it was working on guidelines for
qualified medical personnel to conduct safe
circumcision as demand for the operation may soon

"While these results are very promising, we need to
put them in a broader context to see the full benefits
of circumcision. So we need to look at results from
other studies," Dr. Charles Gilks,
director-coordinator of treatment and prevention for
the World Health Organization, told the daily.

A study funded by the US National Health Institute
involving 5,000 individuals is currently under way in
Uganda. Scientists expect to announce the results only
in early 2007.

Gilks also expressed concern that the results of the
study would lead many circumcised men to think they
were protected from AIDS and fail to take adequate

The United Nations AIDS agency also echoed a similar
cautious optimism over the study findings.

"Although the trial shows promising protective effects
of adult male circumcision in reducing HIV
acquisition, UNAIDS emphasizes that more research is
needed," it said in a statement.

It added that two more studies underway in Uganda and
Kenya will provide more evidence on the findings.

Catherine Hankins, chief scientific adviser to UNAIDS,
said that it was still too early to encourage
widespread circumcision as a way to prevent the spread
of AIDS.

She added that many men would resist circumcision,
even if other studies confirmed the findings.

"We know this is a sensitive issue, and I don't just
mean biologically," Hankins said.

There are around 30 million people contracting the
deadly and incurable AIDS virus around the world,
according to the WHO estimates.


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