----- Original Message ----- From: Bahari Mustakim 

               SPEAK UP! :: Letters                                            
Not compulsion, but             counsel advised
            On behalf of Pertubuhan Muafakat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat           
  Malaysia (Muafakat), I strongly object to the way you have framed             
your moral stand on the wearing of tudung. You maintain that             
"according to various Islamic jurists, wearing the tudung or             
covering up certain parts of the body is not a religious             
imperative". In making this statement without any further             
qualification or explanation, you have distorted the real fact. In             
the specific context in which your editorial (March 10) has been             
written that particular statement could be read as telling Muslim             
females "you can throw away or forget the tudung since it has no             
religious significance whatsoever". 
            You claimed many Islamic jurists, the experts on Islamic law,       
      support this position. What is the real fact? If you know well the        
     history of Muslim interpretations of the Quran from the beginning of       
      the history of Islam until now, and still persist in maintaining          
   your statement, then you have been dishonest, biased, and motivated          
   by certain sectarian interests. 
            The fact is that the vast majority of authoritative Muslim          
   religious scholars and interpreters of the Quran in all schools of           
  thought throughout Islamic history have always considered the             
wearing of hijab (head cover that meets certain requirements) a             
Quranic imperative. 
            The view you quoted and seem to have adopted is endorsed by         
    only a very small minority of Muslim scholars. Moreover, it is             
entirely a modern view that gained adherents following the impact of            
 various strands of modern Western thought on Muslim societies,             
including its philosophy of dress. You have therefore committed             
yourself to supporting a moral position that puts you at odds with             
the traditional view of Muslim religious scholars on a matter that             
is of great concern to Muslims. 
            It is your right to adopt whichever view you want. But your         
    failure to state the majority view among Islamic jurists, which             
favours tudung, is not helpful to the pursuit of an "informed public            
 discussion" that you yourself have pleaded for. 
            Muafakat would not have objected to your editorial if it had        
     limited itself to criticising schools or other government             
institutions zealously enforcing tudung wearing. Although we             
strongly believe the Quran prescribes the wearing of tudung for             
Muslim females, we also do not agree they should be compelled to             
observe this Quranic teaching. Rather their observance of the             
religious obligation should be a result of wise counselling,             
encouragement, and inculcation of religious knowledge. 
            Having said this we still need to acknowledge the following. In     
        Islam it is the right of parents or lawful guardians to enforce the     
        Quranic injunction on their female children. However, if there are      
       parents who do not want their girls to wear tudung whatever the          
   reason is, then schools should respect their individual choice.             
            It is also the right of religious schools established to            
 promote an Islamic identity and other Islamic goals to enforce dress           
  codes and other rules and regulations on its students that conform            
 to their desired identity and goals. 
            Muafakat feels the present Ministry of Education tudung policy,     
        namely one of encouragement rather than compulsion, is good enough.     
        Excesses by certain teachers or schools in observing the policy         
    could and ought to be corrected.
            But your editorial conveys a different message. Through a           
  religious fatwa you want to discourage tudung wearing. 
            Given the dominant Islamic beliefs and practices in this            
 country, your failure to clarify the majority as opposed to the             
minority view on the issue in question may cause people to accuse             
you of deliberately using your influential position to wage a "fatwa            
 war" against the Muslim majority view. 
            Prof. Datuk Dr Osman Bakar
Updated: 03:56PM Mon, 20 Mar 2006                   Printable             
Version | Email to a             Friend        
            =========================Kenyataan sisters in       
      Press Statement


Sisters in Islam is opposed to any       attempt by any government, public 
institution or the private sector, to       force girls and/or women to cover 
or uncover their heads. 

In       reference to the two recent cases of an employee of a five-star 
hotel’s       decision to wear the tudung and the cutting of the schoolgirls’ 
tudungs in       SMK Teluk Sentang, Kuala Krau, Temerloh, SIS maintains that 
the personal       choices of the girls and women must be respected and no 
punitive measure       or harsh treatment should be imposed. 

Even amongst Muslims who       choose to don the tudung, the style of wearing 
the tudung varies and it       should not be regarded as a reflection of the 
degree of their piety. I n       the history of Islamic jurisprudence and 
scholarship, there has been no       consensus regarding the “right” form of 
women’s dress. Even the several       verses in the Qur’an that talk about 
women’s dress do not explicitly       espouse a specific type of dress. In 
fact, the Qur’an infers that modesty       can be achieved in different forms 
of dress suitable to different       cultures, times and places. Thus, to 
legislate or regulate on women’s       dress based on a perceived single 
“Islamic” standard is a misguided       attempt at representing the breadth of 
thought and scholarship in Islam.       Al-Qur’an surah Al-A’raaf 7:26 mentions 
about clothes and adornments, but       stresses that “….the raiment of 
righteousness, that is the       best.”

As repeatedly stressed in the Al-Qur’an, there       should be no compulsion in 
religion (Surah al-Baqarah 2:256, Surah Yunus       10:99-100, Surah 
al-Ghashiyah 88:22). The decision to cover or not cover       one’s head 
therefore, remains the sovereign choice of the       individual,       not any 
external human authority under any       pretext. 

Sisters in Islam       

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"Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman .Iaitu mereka yang khusyuk 
dalam sembahyangnya; Dan mereka yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan 
perkataan yang sia-sia;[mukminun:1-3]

"Maka Tuhan mereka perkenankan doa mereka (dengan firmanNya): "Sesungguhnya Aku 
tidak akan sia-siakan amal orang-orang yang beramal dari kalangan kamu, sama 
ada lelaki atau perempuan, (kerana) setengah kamu (adalah keturunan) dari 
setengahnya yang lain; maka orang-orang yang berhijrah (kerana menyelamatkan 
ugamanya), dan yang diusir ke luar dari tempat tinggalnya, dan juga yang 
disakiti (dengan berbagai-bagai gangguan) kerana menjalankan ugamaKu, dan yang 
berperang (untuk mempertahankan Islam), dan yang terbunuh (gugur Syahid dalam 
perang Sabil) - sesungguhnya Aku akan hapuskan kesalahan-kesalahan mereka, dan 
sesungguhnya Aku akan masukkan mereka ke dalam Syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya 
beberapa sungai, sebagai pahala dari sisi Allah. Dan di sisi Allah jualah 
pahala yang sebaik-baiknya (bagi mereka yang beramal soleh)". [3:195]

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