The War Within Fatah July 9th, 2007 As Hani al-Hassan of Fatah had pointed out 
earlier, it is inaccurate to characterize the situation in Occupied Palestinian 
Territories as Hamas against Fatah. The conflict is between Hamas and a faction 
of collaborators within Fatah. Here Khaled Amayreh takes a look at the 
consequences of al-Hassan’s statement and the growing resentment within Fatah 
against the Abbas-Dahlan collaborationist camp. Tensions are growing between 
supporters of the American-backed Dahlan faction and the supporters of Yasser 
Arafat. Tensions between the two polarised camps increased dramatically last 
week when Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, who backs Dahlan, 
fired veteran Fatah leader and former PA interior minister Hani Al-Hassan who 
had accused Dahlan of planning to murder him — a charge which Dahlan vehemently 
denied. The dismissal followed alleged remarks made by Al-Hassan on Wednesday 
during an interview with the pan- Arab Al-Jazeera TV network where he argued 
that the recent showdown in Gaza was not a confrontation between Fatah and 
Hamas but one between Hamas and the Dahlan faction. Referring to Dahlan’s 
supporters as “the Dayton group”, a reference to the American General Keith 
Dayton who was in charge of arming and financing the former Gaza strongman, 
Al-Hassan said that Hamas had to do what it did in order to protect the overall 
national cause. Following the interview, representatives of the Dahlan faction 
called Abbas, pressuring him to fire and punish Al-Hassan, while masked gunmen 
opened fire on his home in Ramallah. Al-Hassan was not in Ramallah during the 
attack. Fatah leaders and media outlets affiliated with Abbas and Dahlan have 
also been waging a smear campaign against Al-Hassan, claiming he had warned 
Hamas politburo chief Khaled Meshaal of an impending coup to overthrow Hamas, 
which Al-Hassan allegedly claimed was being planned by Dahlan and Dayton. In 
addition to Abbas and Dahlan, the “moderate camp” within Fatah includes people 
like Ahmed Abdul-Rahman, Al-Tayeb Abdul-Rahim, Nabil Amr and security officers 
such General Intelligence Chief Tawfiq Tirawi. The Arafat camp includes the 
bulk of veteran Fatah leaders such as the Tunis-based head of the Palestine 
Liberation Organisation (PLO) political department, Farouk Al-Qaddoumi, Hani 
Al-Hassan, Jebril Rajoub, Marwan Al-Barghouti, Ahmed Hellis and militant 
leaders affiliated with Fatah’s armed wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. A few 
days ago, Al-Qaddoumi called the PLO, as it exists today, an “illusory and 
illegal body”, adding that the organisation’s executive committee was an 
unrepresentative body and had no right to neutralise elected bodies such as the 
Palestinian Legislative Council. Meanwhile last Thursday heads of the various 
wings of the Brigades rejected a decree by Abbas to dissolve their militias and 
hand over their weapons to the PA. Abu Uday, a spokesman for the Brigades in 
the northern West Bank, said his group would never hand over weapons as long as 
the Israeli occupation continued. It is hard to predict how the growing 
differences between the two Fatah camps will be resolved. The “moderate camp” 
has the money and the physical means to assert itself by force if necessary, at 
least for the time-being. However, this camp has a major strategic liability, 
namely a lack of support among Fatah’s rank and file and, indeed, among the 
Palestinian masses as a whole. Recent revelations by Hamas which allegedly 
implicate Dahlan in an American-backed plan to reverse the outcome of the 2006 
Palestinian elections and depose of the Hamas-led national unity government by 
force have seriously tarnished his image and that of Abbas in the eyes of many 
Palestinians. The anti-Dahlan camp, while lacking the financial resources at 
Dahlan’s disposal, has the advantage of wide support within Fatah and even 
stronger public support. One of the strongest assets the anti-Dahlan camp 
within Fatah is betting on is Abbas’s apparent inability to extract any 
meaningful political concessions from Israel with regard to ending its 
40-year-old occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. This 
week, Jebril Rajoub, the prominent Fatah leader and founder of the Preventive 
Security Force in the West Bank, was quoted as saying that “Olmert and other 
Israeli leaders babble a lot about strengthening Abbas and weakening Hamas. But 
in reality, Israel is weakening Abbas and destroying his credibility among 
Palestinians by killing any viable prospect for Palestinian statehood.

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