Dear Malaysians,

Dr Jemilah Mahmood, President of Mercy Malaysia and also a volunteer is at
the  Egyptian border (she arrived 1 week ago) with 6 truckloads of  medical
supplies (worth about RM 100,000) and have managed to enter Gaza as of this

However, they still need more medical supplies = syringes, gauze, normal
saline etc etc. If anyone is interested to donate to Mercy Malaysia, you can
do so through me and I will give you a receipt = it is tax-deductible. 

Or bank into the accounts below: 

1.       MERCY Humanitarian Fund (MBB Account), A/c no: 5621-7950-4126 

2.       MERCY Malaysia (CIMB A/C), A/C no: 1424-0006561-05-3 

I've attached an email below from United Nations Agency on the current


Shalimar Abdullah []



New York, Jan 5 2009 1:00PM 

Ambulances and medical workers in Gaza are facing increasing difficulty in
reaching the wounded, some are being killed in doing so, and a "humanitarian
breathing space" is vital to ensure that food and medical supplies reach
those in need as Israel's offensive entered its 10th day, the top United
Nations relief official in the area said today. 

"Large numbers of people including many children are hungry, they are cold,
they are without ready access to medical facilities, they are without access
to electricity and running water, above all they are terrified. That by any
measure is a humanitarian crisis," UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the
occupied Palestinian territory Maxwell Gaylard told a news briefing. 

"There is an overall atmosphere of fear. More than half of the population
are children. The spectre of internal displacement is emerging with growing
numbers seeking shelter and already there are several thousand civilians in
UNRWA's seven shelters," he said, referring to the UN Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. 

The UN has raised its concerns with the Israeli authorities at the highest
levels, in particular the need for humanitarian access for fuel and food
into the Gaza Strip and medical patients leaving the Strip, he added,
noting: "We are receiving regular cooperation from those authorities. They
are in contact with us not just on a day-to-day basis but even more
regularly and we are in contact with them." 

Mr. Gaylard said Palestinian deaths have reached 500 and  are rising, and
some 2,500 have been injured in the offensive which Israel says it launched
to end Hamas rocket attacks against its southern cities and towns. A week of
air strikes expanded into a land offensive over the weekend. 

"Electricity and communications are down over much of the Strip both on
account of lack of fuel and damage to critical infrastructure. Over a
million people are currently without power, and over a quarter million
without running water, some for up to six days," he added. 

The fuel crossing from Israel at Nahal Oz was opened today for urgently
needed industrial fuel and "we hope that this crossing will now remain open
in order for sufficient supplies to enter over the coming days, and for the
Gaza power plant to continue to operate on a more sustained basis," he said.

He stressed the power supply crisis has been exacerbated by damage to 10
transformers and at least 6 electricity lines coming in from Israel and
Egypt as a result of collateral damage during fighting. 

Major priorities include the need to bring in wheat grain in bulk through
the conveyor system at the Karni crossing and industrial fuel through Nahal
Oz, he noted. "We need a humanitarian breathing space to operate and to
ensure that assistance particularly food and medical [supplies] reaches the
people," he stressed. 

"Ambulances, staff, patients must be able to move freely. This includes the
ability to leave and seek medical treatments unavailable in Gaza.
International medical emergency teams need to be allowed in to support
emergency capacity at Shifa hospital." 

Cash also needs to be replenished in Gaza."Without cash people cannot
procure food, even when it is available. Without cash, UNRWA cannot pay its
suppliers and contractors, let alone its 10,000 staff, all of whom are
essential if distributions are to take place, shelters to be managed, and
operations to be maintained," he added. 

Meanwhile, at UN Headquarters in New York Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is
pressing ahead with diplomatic efforts to end the crisis. He is meeting with
members of the Security Council, which was unable to reach a consensus
during its emergency session on Saturday to bring about an end to the
violence, as well as with Arab leaders. 

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