Minister of Justice: 
Ex-PA chief no longer represents the Palestinians

[ 18/01/2009 - 05:25 PM ]


GAZA, (PIC)-- Minister of justice Mohamed Al-Ghoul stated that any actions,
decisions or obligations made by former PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, whose term
of office had expired on 9/1/2009, do not oblige the Palestinian people.

In a press release received by the PIC, Ghoul explained that the Palestinian
basic law stipulates in article no. 36 that the presidential term of office
is only four years and accordingly Abbas is no longer entitled to represent
the Palestinian people or sign agreements on their behalf even by declaring
himself a president of Palestine.

The minister of justice underlined that the government of national unity
headed by Ismail Haneyya is the only legitimate and legal government that
represents the Palestinian people according to the basic law and any other
side has no right to usurp this jurisdiction from the legitimate government.

He asked the international community especially the Islamic and Arab
countries and all official and unofficial bodies to deal only with the
constitutional Palestinian government headed by premier Haneyya.

Ghoul also stressed the need to interrogate and prosecute Abbas in a
Palestinian court for committing hundreds of "terrible crimes" and
conspiring against the Palestinian people and resistance in full
coordination with the Israeli occupation, and for waiving the Palestinian
national rights and constants.

The minister highlighted that the Palestinian rights are unchanging and
inalienable, and does not end by prescription, calling on the Palestinian
people to be united around the resistance and respect the Palestinian law in
order to serve the higher national interests.



Palestinian communities in Europe
slam Maleki for criticizing the resistance

[ 19/01/2009 - 10:55 AM ]


EUROPE, (PIC)-- The association of Palestinian communities and institutions
in Europe strongly denounced foreign minister in Ramallah government Riyadh
Al-Maleki's statements in which he held the Palestinian resistance
responsible for the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip during an interview
with an Israeli journalist.

In a statement received by the PIC, Radi Al-Shuaibi, the secretary-general
of the association, said that such statements justify and give a cover for
Israel's brutal and barbaric aggression on Gaza, noting that the Israeli
aggression received international condemnation.

In another context, a large number of Yemeni school students and
participants who attended a ceremony in support of Gaza organized by the
Kanaan society (headed by a nephew of the Yemeni president) chanted slogans
against ex-PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and some of his security officials.

This came when charge d'affaires of the Palestinian embassy in Sana'a Fa'yz
Abdeljawad gave his speech, where dozens of the attendees started shouting
slogans in favor of the Palestinian resistance and Hamas, and condemning the
PA complicity with Israel during the aggression on Gaza.

In Damascus, a large mass of Palestinian and Syrian citizens participated on
Sunday evening in a rally called for by the Hamas Movement to celebrate the
victory achieved by the Palestinian resistance over the Israeli aggression.

On the sidelines of this massive march, Abu Mua'men, the public relations
officer of Hamas popular action, told the PIC that the Palestinian masses
went out to salute the Palestinian resistance in Gaza because they wagered
on the resistance which proved its eligibility to achieve victories against
the Israeli occupation.

For his part, Dr. Tareq Hamoud, the secretary-general of the Palestinian
return assembly-Wajeb, stated to the PIC that the Palestinian resistance
achieved a military victory in the battlefield against Israel and a
political victory against the "moderate" Arab regimes.




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